21 Mar 2025


Matrox Graphics mga g200a Video Driver

Company: Matrox Graphics
Model: mga g200a
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: w9x_433c.exe


Matrox Graphics mga g200a Driver. this driver is for the matrox mga g200a. a full exe file downloaded from ess homepage.currently im using this driver and works fine with "win 98se" download time approx 12-13 mins...but definetly worth waiting for. plez feed back results...have fun!! IFY
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 08-26-99 12:08 w9x433c/ 11616 02-25-99 11:40 w9x433c/inst_16.exe 17920 02-25-99 11:45 w9x433c/inst_eng.dll 19968 02-25-99 11:47 w9x433c/inst_fre.dll 19456 02-25-99 11:48 w9x433c/inst_ger.dll 19456 02-25-99 11:48 w9x433c/inst_ita.dll 19456 02-25-99 11:52 w9x433c/inst_spa.dll 3313 02-25-99 11:54 w9x433c/mga.ini 97096 04-12-99 15:52 w9x433c/mgallx64.dl_ 16768 04-14-99 15:12 w9x433c/mgapdx64.cat 116158 04-12-99 15:51 w9x433c/mgapdx64.dr_ 5582 04-14-99 15:12 w9x433c/mgapdx64.inf 26947 04-12-99 15:51 w9x433c/mgapdx64.vx_ 19605 02-25-99 15:07 w9x433c/mgaxdd.dr_ 8600 02-25-99 15:11 w9x433c/mgaxdd.vx_ 224855 02-25-99 15:09 w9x433c/mgaxdd32.dl_ 11814 08-26-99 12:09 w9x433c/readme.txt 330240 02-25-99 11:40 w9x433c/setup.exe 2748 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/setup.ini 11252 02-25-98 10:53 w9x433c/vgartd.vx_ 72627 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_color.mva 38832 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_dnav.mva 71998 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_eng.mva 70238 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_fre.mva 66397 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_ger.mva 72289 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_ita.mva 170521 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_mon.mva 23326 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_qdesk.mva 70621 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pd_spa.mva 7702 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdengcol.mva 1819 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdengdn.mva 15416 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdengmon.mva 1682 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdengqd.mva 322354 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdesk.mva 8142 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdfrecol.mva 2001 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdfredn.mva 16523 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdfremon.mva 1733 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdfreqd.mva 8199 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdgercol.mva 2018 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdgerdn.mva 16635 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdgermon.mva 1726 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdgerqd.mva 8146 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pditacol.mva 1995 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pditadn.mva 16396 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pditamon.mva 1722 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pditaqd.mva 8082 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdspacol.mva 1964 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdspadn.mva 16386 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdspamon.mva 1727 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/pdspaqd.mva 23771 02-25-99 15:15 w9x433c/uninstal.mva -------- ------- 2125838 51 files

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