24 Jan 2025


Intel Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub Video Driver

Company: Intel
Model: Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Intel-810VGA-Win2000-for-810CW.ZIP


Intel Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 15996 06-29-99 08:59 CHSGFXCG.HLP 71888 06-29-99 08:59 CHSIGFX.LRC 16096 06-29-99 08:59 CHTGFXCG.HLP 71888 06-29-99 08:59 CHTIGFX.LRC 18808 06-29-99 08:59 DANGFXCG.HLP 72400 06-29-99 08:59 DANIGFX.LRC 20114 06-29-99 08:59 DEUGFXCG.HLP 72400 06-29-99 08:59 DEUIGFX.LRC 18655 06-29-99 08:59 ENGGFXCG.HLP 71888 06-29-99 08:59 ENGIGFX.LRC 26940 06-29-99 08:25 ENUGFXCG.HLP 71888 06-29-99 08:53 ENUIGFX.LRC 19127 06-29-99 08:59 ESMGFXCG.HLP 73424 06-29-99 08:59 ESMIGFX.LRC 19127 06-29-99 09:00 ESNGFXCG.HLP 73424 06-29-99 08:59 ESNIGFX.LRC 19127 06-29-99 09:00 ESPGFXCG.HLP 73424 06-29-99 09:00 ESPIGFX.LRC 18675 06-29-99 09:00 FINGFXCG.HLP 72400 06-29-99 09:00 FINIGFX.LRC 18540 06-29-99 09:00 FRAGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:00 FRAIGFX.LRC 18539 06-29-99 09:00 FRCGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:00 FRCIGFX.LRC 1078 06-29-99 07:46 I81XCFG.ICO 93604 06-29-99 08:53 I81XCNT5.DLL 473168 06-29-99 08:53 I81XDNT5.DLL 162304 06-29-99 08:50 I81XGDEV.DLL 1273344 06-29-99 08:49 I81XGICD.DLL 7919 06-29-99 09:02 I81XNT5.INF 64912 06-29-99 08:53 I81XNT5.SYS 19767 06-29-99 09:00 ITAGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:00 ITAIGFX.LRC 16948 06-29-99 09:00 JPNGFXCG.HLP 71888 06-29-99 09:00 JPNIGFX.LRC 25968 04-23-99 17:30 KORGFXCG.HLP 71888 06-29-99 09:00 KORIGFX.LRC 266293 06-29-99 07:46 MSVCRT.DLL 20255 06-29-99 09:01 NLDGFXCG.HLP 72400 06-29-99 09:00 NLDIGFX.LRC 18853 06-29-99 09:01 NORGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:01 NORIGFX.LRC 19073 06-29-99 09:01 PLKGFXCG.HLP 72400 06-29-99 09:01 PLKIGFX.LRC 19311 06-29-99 09:01 PTBGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:01 PTBIGFX.LRC 19377 06-29-99 09:01 PTGGFXCG.HLP 73424 06-29-99 09:01 PTGIGFX.LRC 8956 06-29-99 09:01 RUSGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:01 RUSIGFX.LRC 18674 06-29-99 09:02 SVEGFXCG.HLP 72400 06-29-99 09:02 SVEIGFX.LRC 11489 06-29-99 09:02 THAGFXCG.HLP 72912 06-29-99 09:02 THAIGFX.LRC 16627 07-14-99 14:08 readme.txt 2277 07-14-99 14:08 version.txt -------- ---- 4459749 56 files

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