30 Mar 2025


Intel Intel(R) 82815 Graphics Controller Video Driver

Company: Intel
Model: Intel(R) 82815 Graphics Controller
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: winnt4.zip


Intel Intel(R) 82815 Graphics Controller Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 128 02-07-01 14:00 DATA.TAG 41038 02-07-01 14:00 data1.cab 31794 02-07-01 14:00 data1.hdr 25 02-07-01 14:00 Install.cfg 23541 02-07-01 14:00 lang.dat 1251 02-07-01 14:00 layout.bin 450 02-07-01 14:00 os.dat 73728 02-07-01 14:00 Setup.exe 192 02-07-01 14:00 SETUP.INI 85087 02-07-01 14:00 setup.ins 494 02-07-01 14:00 setup.iss 269 02-07-01 14:00 setup.lid 296674 02-07-01 13:59 _INST32I.EX_ 27648 02-07-01 13:59 _ISDel.exe 3144763 02-07-01 14:00 _sys1.cab 16547 02-07-01 14:00 _sys1.hdr 108431 02-07-01 14:00 _user1.cab 20921 02-07-01 14:00 _user1.hdr 138240 02-07-01 13:59 diaglang.dll 2005 02-07-01 13:59 GFXDIAG.CNT 31060 02-07-01 13:59 GFXDIAG.HLP 10662 02-07-01 13:59 License.txt 34816 02-07-01 13:59 _Setup.dll 180224 02-07-01 13:59 shpshftr.dll 115712 02-07-01 13:59 GfxApi.dll 51200 02-07-01 13:59 gfxdiag.exe 11264 02-07-01 13:59 igfxHal.dll 995383 02-07-01 13:59 MFC42.DLL 266293 02-07-01 13:59 MSVCRT.DLL 4658 02-07-01 13:59 readme.txt 7264 02-07-01 13:59 vbios16.dll 31232 02-07-01 13:59 vidbios.dll 5640 02-07-01 13:59 adv01nt4.dll 5336 02-07-01 13:59 adv02nt4.dll 23164 02-07-01 13:59 atv01nt4.dll 12448 02-07-01 13:59 atv02nt4.dll 17800 02-07-01 13:59 ch7xxnt4.dll 16167 02-07-01 13:59 chsgfxcg.hlp 71924 02-07-01 13:59 chsigfx.lrc 16267 02-07-01 13:59 chtgfxcg.hlp 71924 02-07-01 13:59 chtigfx.lrc 19093 02-07-01 13:59 dangfxcg.hlp 72436 02-07-01 13:59 danigfx.lrc 20479 02-07-01 13:59 deugfxcg.hlp 72436 02-07-01 13:59 deuigfx.lrc 19243 02-07-01 13:59 enggfxcg.hlp 71924 02-07-01 13:59 engigfx.lrc 27262 02-07-01 13:59 EnugfxCg.hlp 71924 02-07-01 13:59 EnuIgfx.lrc 19447 02-07-01 13:59 esmgfxcg.hlp 73460 02-07-01 13:59 esmigfx.lrc 19447 02-07-01 13:59 esngfxcg.hlp 73460 02-07-01 13:59 esnigfx.lrc 19447 02-07-01 13:59 espgfxcg.hlp 73460 02-07-01 13:59 espigfx.lrc 18960 02-07-01 13:59 fingfxcg.hlp 72436 02-07-01 13:59 finigfx.lrc 18830 02-07-01 13:59 fragfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 fraigfx.lrc 18829 02-07-01 13:59 frcgfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 frcigfx.lrc 1078 02-07-01 13:59 i81xcfg.ico 101900 02-07-01 13:59 i81xcnt4.dll 99568 02-07-01 13:59 i81xdnt4.dll 372736 02-07-01 13:59 i81xgdev.dll 1495040 02-07-01 13:59 i81xgicd.dll 10768 02-07-01 13:59 i81xnt4.inf 86624 02-07-01 13:59 i81xnt4.sys 20168 02-07-01 13:59 itagfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 itaigfx.lrc 20355 02-07-01 13:59 jpngfxcg.hlp 71924 02-07-01 13:59 jpnigfx.lrc 25968 02-07-01 13:59 korgfxcg.hlp 71924 02-07-01 13:59 korigfx.lrc 20550 02-07-01 13:59 nldgfxcg.hlp 72436 02-07-01 13:59 nldigfx.lrc 19165 02-07-01 13:59 norgfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 norigfx.lrc 19766 02-07-01 13:59 plkgfxcg.hlp 72436 02-07-01 13:59 plkigfx.lrc 19617 02-07-01 13:59 ptbgfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 ptbigfx.lrc 19809 02-07-01 13:59 ptggfxcg.hlp 73460 02-07-01 13:59 ptgigfx.lrc 19005 02-07-01 13:59 rusgfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 rusigfx.lrc 5164 02-07-01 13:59 siint4.dll 5196 02-07-01 13:59 siiopnt4.dll 19065 02-07-01 13:59 svegfxcg.hlp 72436 02-07-01 13:59 sveigfx.lrc 18942 02-07-01 13:59 thagfxcg.hlp 72948 02-07-01 13:59 thaigfx.lrc 141312 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/language/rus/diaglang.dll 1951 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/language/rus/GFXDIAG.CNT 35840 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/language/rus/GFXDIAG.HLP 13362 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/language/rus/License.txt 35328 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/setupdir/0019/_Setup.dll 138240 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/Utils/diaglang.dll 2003 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/Utils/GFXDIAG.CNT 31253 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/Utils/GFXDIAG.HLP 10676 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/Utils/License.txt 266293 02-07-01 13:59 ABIT/Sl6/DRIVERS/vga/winnt4/WinNT4/msvcrt.dll -------- ---- 10798231 102 files

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