7 Mar 2025


Pinnacle Systems STUDIO PCTV Video Driver

Company: Pinnacle Systems
Operating System: All Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pinnacle4.0.ZIP


Pinnacle Systems STUDIO PCTV Driver. This is only the driver folder that came with Pinnacle Studio 4.0(1)PCTV card. You need to unzipp it to one of your folders.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24576 04-05-00 15:37 Driver/8x8_init.exe 72192 02-07-00 17:39 Driver/BT848.DRV 101526 02-08-00 13:13 Driver/BT848.VXD 40448 02-07-00 17:31 Driver/BT848DDI.DLL 11776 02-02-00 14:17 Driver/BT848_16.DLL 45568 02-02-00 14:07 Driver/BT848_32.DLL 79799 11-18-97 17:19 Driver/Bt848.hlp 70310 02-02-00 14:16 Driver/Bt848dlg.dll 20745 02-25-99 19:07 Driver/BtPCIAud.VxD 40448 02-02-00 14:08 Driver/GRAPPLER.DLL 87 10-29-99 12:45 Driver/MCI4CAP.INI 31936 09-18-98 14:55 Driver/MCI4CAP.drv 66048 05-27-99 13:58 Driver/MIROXL32.DLL 22400 10-01-99 13:22 Driver/Mbthw.dll 29408 02-08-00 17:09 Driver/Mcipctv.dll 1619 05-05-99 10:33 Driver/Mirotv.dat 313 01-19-00 16:09 Driver/Oemsetup.inf 2145 02-08-00 12:25 Driver/PCTVAud.sys 45201 04-05-00 13:28 Driver/PCTVCAP.DLL 3568 05-20-98 18:30 Driver/PCTVCAP.DRV 5536 05-22-97 14:59 Driver/PCTVCHK.EXE 28108 08-04-98 17:29 Driver/PCTVHW.DLL 5216 01-31-00 16:10 Driver/Pclehwio.vxd 40960 02-07-00 15:12 Driver/SLaunch.exe 98304 04-04-00 12:11 Driver/UINPCTV.EXE 69632 04-04-00 12:09 Driver/UnInW2k.exe 16755 02-09-98 16:10 Driver/btutil16.dll 33280 02-09-98 16:10 Driver/btutil32.dll 36864 02-10-00 01:15 Driver/io_PCTV.dll 45056 02-29-00 16:12 Driver/pclepim1.dll 39040 04-04-00 18:24 Driver/pctvnt.sys 32768 01-24-00 18:25 Driver/pctvuser.dll 42032 04-05-00 12:52 Driver/pctvw2k.sys 11881 04-06-00 10:47 Driver/pinpctv.inf -------- ---- 1215545 34 files

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