Model: CARDEXpert SiS315
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
SiS Corporation CARDEXpert SiS315 Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
6584 08-14-02 17:09 WinXP/InstFunc.dll
41646 09-19-02 20:51 WinXP/SISGR.CAT
337920 09-02-02 10:48 WinXP/SISGRV.dll
98304 08-28-02 19:53 WinXP/SiSApCom.dll
151552 08-29-02 11:01 WinXP/SiSInst.dll
221184 08-28-02 02:41 WinXP/SiSParse.dll
49152 04-26-02 19:27 WinXP/sis650.bin
49152 04-26-02 19:27 WinXP/sis740.bin
900315 08-29-02 17:38 WinXP/sisgl.dll
43921 08-30-02 12:53 WinXP/sisgr.inf
219648 08-29-02 19:05 WinXP/sisgrp.sys
6072 08-14-02 16:55 WIN2000/InstFunc.dll
41666 09-19-02 21:17 WIN2000/SISGR.CAT
98304 08-28-02 19:52 WIN2000/SiSApCom.dll
151552 08-29-02 11:03 WIN2000/SiSInst.dll
221184 08-28-02 02:41 WIN2000/SiSParse.dll
49152 04-26-02 19:27 WIN2000/sis650.bin
49152 04-26-02 19:27 WIN2000/sis740.bin
900315 08-29-02 17:34 WIN2000/sisgl.dll
43921 08-30-02 12:53 WIN2000/sisgr.inf
222432 08-29-02 19:06 WIN2000/sisgrp.sys
354872 09-02-02 10:49 WIN2000/sisgrv.dll
-------- ----
4258000 22 files