8 Sep 2024


Diamond Multimedia Video Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Operating System: All Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: v2-w9x-3.02.02.zip


Diamond Multimedia Driver. I dont see why they are so hard to come by. I am looking for the Glide drive. Which apparently... is NOT part of this. I am looking for the WHOLE file, that installs an icon in my system tray and all. An EXE, I used to have it. And NOW have a conflict trying to run 3d games, unable to utilize my 3d glide. Disabling then runs fine, under normal 3d.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2311168 01-13-01 00:00 v2-w9x-3.02.02.exe 255 11-06-01 23:37 VoodooFiles.com.txt -------- ---- 2311423 2 files

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