28 Feb 2025


Diamond Multimedia Stealth III s540 PCI Video Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: Stealth III s540 PCI
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: StealthIIIs540.zip


Diamond Multimedia Stealth III s540 PCI Driver. This driver doesn't have an install EXE file. Unzip the file. Open the properties of your display. Click on adapter tab. Update the driver. Point to the fold in where you unzipped this file for the INF file. Very hard to find driver, but I found it!! Your welcome! (Grin).
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 25106 05-13-99 12:22 VGARTD.VXD 1020928 05-03-99 11:00 _DMGAMMA.ENU 577808 05-13-99 12:22 COMCTL32.DLL 10605 05-03-99 10:27 DM3D.HLP 1579520 05-03-99 11:48 DMD3D.DLL 74752 05-03-99 10:23 DMD3D00.DLL 902144 05-03-99 11:49 DMD3DAAL.DLL 324096 05-03-99 11:50 DMD3DFGT.DLL 193024 05-03-99 11:50 DMD3DMML.DLL 269312 05-03-99 11:50 DMD3DMTX.DLL 322048 05-03-99 11:56 DMD3DOGL.DLL 311808 05-03-99 11:51 DMD3DVSN.DLL 1194496 05-03-99 11:02 DMGAMMA.DLL 7680 05-03-99 10:43 DMICT16.DLL 25088 05-03-99 10:43 DMICT32.DLL 161295 05-03-99 10:23 DMLAKE.PPM 224271 05-03-99 10:23 DMLOGO.PPM 2845778 05-03-99 10:20 DMMINTRO.AVI 184612 05-03-99 10:23 DMTEEPOT.X 196623 05-03-99 10:24 DMTIGER.PPM 53605 05-03-99 10:24 DMTIGER.X 159744 05-13-99 12:22 METAL.DLL 266293 05-03-99 10:18 MSVCRT.DLL 7217 05-13-99 12:26 README.RTF 3609 05-13-99 12:27 README.TXT 888832 05-13-99 12:22 S3MICD.DLL 12561 05-26-99 11:55 STL500.INF 51945 05-13-99 12:33 STL500.VXD 215232 05-18-99 11:38 STL50016.DRV 320512 05-13-99 12:38 STL50032.DLL 1371648 05-03-99 11:46 _DMD3D.ENU -------- ---- 13802192 31 files

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