30 Mar 2025


Intel ASAKI P3-141 Video Driver

Company: Intel
Model: ASAKI P3-141
Operating System: All Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Intel_810.zip


Intel ASAKI P3-141 Driver. Tae macacada o tao procurado driver da asaki p3-141 eh uma intel 810 se estao procurando tambem pelo modem eh um AMR os drivers da pcchips servem

Wow monkey guys here they are the video card drivers from Asaki P3-141 the modem drivers is a comum AMR modem

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 25106 06-29-99 07:46 Intel_810/VGARTD.VXD 71168 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/CHSIGFX.LRC 16096 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/CHTGFXCG.HLP 71168 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/CHTIGFX.LRC 18808 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/DANGFXCG.HLP 71680 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/DANIGFX.LRC 20114 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/DEUGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/DEUIGFX.LRC 18655 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/ENGGFXCG.HLP 71168 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/ENGIGFX.LRC 26940 06-29-99 08:25 Intel_810/ENUGFXCG.HLP 33579 05-20-99 15:30 Intel_810/ENUI8X.INF 71168 06-29-99 08:38 Intel_810/ENUIGFX.LRC 19127 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/ESMGFXCG.HLP 72704 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/ESMIGFX.LRC 19127 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/ESNGFXCG.HLP 72704 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/ESNIGFX.LRC 19127 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/ESPGFXCG.HLP 72704 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/ESPIGFX.LRC 18675 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/FINGFXCG.HLP 71680 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/FINIGFX.LRC 18540 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/FRAGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/FRAIGFX.LRC 18539 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/FRCGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/FRCIGFX.LRC 94911 06-29-99 08:35 Intel_810/I81X.VXD 1078 06-29-99 07:46 Intel_810/I81XCFG.ICO 76288 06-29-99 08:38 Intel_810/I81XCG9X.DLL 837632 06-29-99 08:35 Intel_810/I81XDD.DLL 120444 07-22-99 11:43 Intel_810/I81XDW9X.DRV 162304 06-29-99 08:36 Intel_810/I81XGDEV.DLL 109056 06-29-99 08:36 Intel_810/I81XGHLP.EXE 1273856 06-29-99 08:38 Intel_810/I81XGICD.DLL 18436 08-03-99 11:31 Intel_810/I81XW98.CAT 32719 08-03-99 11:27 Intel_810/I81XW9X.INF 19767 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/ITAGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/ITAIGFX.LRC 16948 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/JPNGFXCG.HLP 71168 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/JPNIGFX.LRC 25968 04-23-99 17:30 Intel_810/KORGFXCG.HLP 71168 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/KORIGFX.LRC 266293 06-29-99 07:46 Intel_810/MSVCRT.DLL 20255 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/NLDGFXCG.HLP 71680 06-29-99 09:00 Intel_810/NLDIGFX.LRC 18853 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/NORGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/NORIGFX.LRC 19073 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/PLKGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/PLKIGFX.LRC 19311 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/PTBGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/PTBIGFX.LRC 19377 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/PTGGFXCG.HLP 72704 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/PTGIGFX.LRC 8956 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/RUSGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/RUSIGFX.LRC 18674 06-29-99 09:02 Intel_810/SVEGFXCG.HLP 71680 06-29-99 09:01 Intel_810/SVEIGFX.LRC 11489 06-29-99 09:02 Intel_810/THAGFXCG.HLP 72192 06-29-99 09:02 Intel_810/THAIGFX.LRC 15996 06-29-99 08:59 Intel_810/CHSGFXCG.HLP -------- ---- 5134389 59 files

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