12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Unknown OEM MPG256V Rev:3.0 Yuan MPG1000 Video Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Unknown OEM MPG256V Rev:3.0 Yuan MPG1000
Operating System: MSDOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MPEG_Decoder.zip


Other Companies Unknown OEM MPG256V Rev:3.0 Yuan MPG1000 Driver. This is a driver I've had for a while for a MPEG Decoder card that uses the Yuan MPG1000 chip, STi3400DCV-CBE MPEG Video Decoder chip, STi4510ACV-CAF MPEG Audio Decoder chip.

I've had it work fine with




Windows98 and 98SE (kinda tricky)

However, make sure you free up some IRQ's. If I remember correctly the card needs 2 of them. Go into your PC BIOS and disable your Printer/Parallel Port (IRQ7), or disable you PS/2 mouse port (IRQ12) and use a serial port for your mouse.

At the time these types of hardware based mpeg decoder cards were on the market, PC's couldn't handle the decompression of the MPEG video/audio streams. So a good hardware decoder was needed to fill in the slack. So now a days, these cards are basically useless since the processing power the CPU's crank out today can blow these cards away.

It still works nicely though. It plays CD-I movies (Greenback format?? only can be access through DOS)

Hope someone can use these files.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4217 11-03-94 11:06 RESTART.EXE 2102 08-29-94 18:20 ICON.BMP 88112 08-11-94 12:50 INSTALL.EXE 6161 03-12-96 09:42 INSTALL.INF 12886 09-09-94 12:28 LOGO.BMP 60416 03-22-95 14:43 MCONFIG.EXE 101680 11-15-95 14:45 MPEG.DRV 293 11-29-94 10:42 OEMSETUP.INF 108908 02-04-95 09:36 PLAY.DLL 119808 11-15-95 17:49 README.WRI 232092 11-16-95 15:04 REAL.EXE 73824 11-18-96 16:51 remote.exe 108368 11-15-95 14:47 CDI.DRV 9626 02-17-95 15:59 TURBO.EXE 206256 08-14-96 09:34 VCD20.EXE 194500 02-01-96 14:35 WINREAL.EXE -------- ---- 1329249 16 files

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