12 Mar 2025


Jaton Video740AGP_3D Win9x PV2.0a 3.1.1915-980715 Video Driver

Company: Jaton
Model: Video740AGP_3D Win9x PV2.0a 3.1.1915-980715
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: V740w9x.exe


Jaton Video740AGP_3D Win9x PV2.0a 3.1.1915-980715 Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 8379 07-16-98 19:42 ENUCONFG.HLP 30208 07-16-98 19:41 ENUCONFG.LRC 29269 07-16-98 19:38 GFX.VXD 145920 07-16-98 19:41 GFXCFG.DLL 4672 07-16-98 19:34 GFXDD16.DLL 328192 07-16-98 19:37 GFXDD32.DLL 101376 07-16-98 19:38 GFXDRV.DRV 8897 07-16-98 19:38 GFXI2C.VXD 1264 07-16-98 19:40 GFXNULL.DRV 86016 07-16-98 19:40 GFXTVOUT.DLL 28351 07-16-98 19:38 GFXVFW.VXD 4928 07-16-98 19:38 GFXVFW16.DLL 142848 07-16-98 19:40 GFXVFW32.DLL 24064 07-16-98 19:38 GFXVMI.DLL 7264 07-16-98 19:38 GFXVVMID.VXD 1078 03-13-98 16:43 I740.ICO 848384 03-27-98 03:08 IR41_32.AX 120320 01-22-98 21:05 IR41_QC.DLL 338432 01-22-98 21:05 IR41_QCX.DLL 5262 07-13-98 17:12 LICENSE.TXT 16663 07-27-98 09:23 README.TXT 24064 07-16-98 19:41 TVWATCH.EXE 24576 07-16-98 19:40 VFWRES.LRC 25106 02-25-98 11:53 VGARTD.VXD 9988 09-10-98 12:01 VIDEO740.INF -------- ---- 2365521 25 files

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