23 Feb 2025


nVIDIA Video Driver

Company: nVIDIA
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Win9x_2188.zip


nVIDIA Driver. Nvidia GeForce2 mx100/200 & others. (9-27-2001) W95-98-Me.

See Read Me file for install info.

This version is hard to find. Enjoy.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 41527 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpes.hlp 17136 09-27-01 14:26 ALiPCIMP.pci 28672 09-27-01 14:26 filter.ax 29132 09-27-01 14:26 NVAGP.INF 32328 05-10-98 21:01 nvaml.inf 22528 09-27-01 14:26 nvarch16.dll 6144 09-27-01 14:26 nvarch32.dll 9140 09-27-01 14:26 nvcap.inf 106397 09-27-01 14:26 nvcap.sys 604289 09-27-01 14:26 nvcore.vxd 48725 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpar.hlp 42843 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpcs.hlp 41192 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpda.hlp 43360 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpde.hlp 45597 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpel.hlp 39462 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpeng.hlp 30427 09-27-01 14:26 agartd.vxd 42490 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpfi.hlp 40974 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpfr.hlp 44489 09-27-01 14:26 nvcphe.hlp 45027 09-27-01 14:26 nvcphu.hlp 40447 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpit.hlp 41511 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpja.hlp 66517 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpko.hlp 782336 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpl.dll 40143 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpl.hlp 42074 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpnl.hlp 40463 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpno.hlp 42906 09-27-01 14:26 nvcppl.hlp 40628 09-27-01 14:26 nvcppt.hlp 39293 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpptb.hlp 44513 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpru.hlp 44603 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpsk.hlp 43750 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpsl.hlp 41082 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpsv.hlp 70783 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpth.hlp 43368 09-27-01 14:26 nvcptr.hlp 42997 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpzhc.hlp 41984 09-27-01 14:26 nvcpzht.hlp 2625024 09-27-01 14:26 nvdd32.dll 98304 09-27-01 14:26 nvdesk32.dll 106976 09-27-01 14:26 nvdisp.drv 81920 09-27-01 14:26 nvdmcpl.dll 32328 05-10-98 21:01 NVIDIANVAML.INF 77824 09-27-01 14:26 nvinst32.dll 230434 09-27-01 14:26 nvmini.vxd 53408 09-27-01 14:26 nvmode.dll 2756608 09-27-01 14:26 nvopengl.dll 151552 09-27-01 14:26 nvqtwk.dll 102400 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsar.dll 106496 09-27-01 14:26 nvrscs.dll 106496 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsda.dll 110592 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsde.dll 98304 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsel.dll 106496 09-27-01 14:26 nvrseng.dll 114688 09-27-01 14:26 nvrses.dll 106496 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsfi.dll 114688 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsfr.dll 81920 09-27-01 14:26 nvrshe.dll 90112 09-27-01 14:26 nvrshu.dll 114688 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsit.dll 86016 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsja.dll 81920 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsko.dll 114688 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsnl.dll 106496 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsno.dll 90112 09-27-01 14:26 nvrspl.dll 94208 09-27-01 14:26 nvrspt.dll 114688 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsptb.dll 110592 09-27-01 14:26 nvrsru.dll 90112 09-27-01 14:26 nvrssk.dll 90112 09-27-01 14:26 nvrssl.dll 106496 09-27-01 14:26 nvrssv.dll 90112 09-27-01 14:26 nvrstr.dll 61440 09-27-01 14:26 nvrszhc.dll 73728 09-27-01 14:26 nvrszht.dll 2419 09-27-01 14:26 nvtunep.inf 14145 09-27-01 14:26 nvtunep.sys 2211 09-27-01 14:26 nvtvsnd.inf 13585 09-27-01 14:26 nvtvsnd.sys 2345 09-27-01 14:26 nvxbar.INF 9407 09-27-01 14:26 nvxbar.sys 7907 09-27-01 14:26 Readme.txt 25584 09-27-01 14:26 VGARTD.VXD -------- ---- 11767354 83 files

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