Model: Magnia 3030, Version 1.24-RC1
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: m301vidn.exe
Toshiba Magnia 3030, Version 1.24-RC1 Driver. Windows NT Display Driver version 1.24-RC1 for Cirrus Logic GD5480 display adapter in Magnia 3010 Server.
File Contents: Server software posted on this Website is intended for use only on servers manufactured and marketed by Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. (TAIS). This software is neither certified nor tested for use on server products marketed by any other Toshiba subsidiary. Use of any server software posted here with a non-TAIS server product is neither supported nor recommended
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
2669 11-25-98 17:48 CIRRUS.INF
101312 11-25-98 17:11 CL54XX.DLL
75936 11-25-98 16:45 CL54XX.SYS
195072 09-16-97 10:49 MONISEL.DLL
73621 08-14-97 15:45 MONISEL.HLP
21874 09-16-97 11:40 MONISEL.TXT
9066 11-25-98 17:44 README.1ST
19498 09-25-96 18:37 TIMINGS.DAT
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499048 8 files