5 Feb 2025


Matrox Graphics Productiva G100 MMS with TV Tuner, Version: 5.01.007 Video Driver

Company: Matrox Graphics
Model: Productiva G100 MMS with TV Tuner, Version: 5.01.007
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: nt4_501.exe


Matrox Graphics Productiva G100 MMS with TV Tuner, Version: 5.01.007 Driver. This driver is for use with Video Tools 1.53.053
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24576 02-07-02 06:01 SetupIta.dll 24576 02-07-02 06:01 SetupEng.dll 24576 02-07-02 06:01 SetupFre.dll 24576 02-07-02 06:01 SetupGer.dll 245760 02-07-02 06:01 Setup.exe 24576 02-07-02 06:01 SetupSpa.dll 59856 02-07-02 06:01 mga.bi_ 105585 02-07-02 06:01 mgabkgnd.bm_ 3647 02-07-02 06:01 mgaprev.bm_ 860 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdeng.cn_ 948 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdfre.cn_ 906 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdger.cn_ 940 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdita.cn_ 948 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdspa.cn_ 504 02-07-02 06:01 setup.ini 28848 02-07-02 06:01 mgapanel.cp_ 447369 02-07-02 06:01 g200icd.dl_ 471021 02-07-02 06:01 g400icd.dl_ 671039 02-07-02 06:01 mga64.dl_ 49223 02-07-02 06:01 mgactrl.dl_ 113135 02-07-02 06:01 mgamon.dl_ 107847 02-07-02 06:01 mgasheet.dl_ 22663 02-07-02 06:01 PCtrlEng.dl_ 22809 02-07-02 06:01 PCtrlFre.dl_ 22809 02-07-02 06:01 PCtrlGer.dl_ 22808 02-07-02 06:01 PCtrlIta.dl_ 22749 02-07-02 06:01 PCtrlSpa.dl_ 21807 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmd.dl_ 102762 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdres.dl_ 20604 02-07-02 06:01 PDnavEng.dl_ 20641 02-07-02 06:01 PDnavFre.dl_ 20624 02-07-02 06:01 PDnavGer.dl_ 20621 02-07-02 06:01 PDnavIta.dl_ 20600 02-07-02 06:01 PDnavSpa.dl_ 41490 02-07-02 06:01 PMonEng.dl_ 41854 02-07-02 06:01 PMonFre.dl_ 41774 02-07-02 06:01 PMonGer.dl_ 41700 02-07-02 06:01 PMonIta.dl_ 41692 02-07-02 06:01 PMonSpa.dl_ 20179 02-07-02 06:01 PPanEng.dl_ 20214 02-07-02 06:01 PPanFre.dl_ 20204 02-07-02 06:01 PPanGer.dl_ 20209 02-07-02 06:01 PPanIta.dl_ 20184 02-07-02 06:01 PPanSpa.dl_ 21882 02-07-02 06:01 PQdEng.dl_ 21973 02-07-02 06:01 PQdFre.dl_ 21937 02-07-02 06:01 PQdGer.dl_ 21957 02-07-02 06:01 PQdIta.dl_ 21906 02-07-02 06:01 PQdSpa.dl_ 20611 02-07-02 06:01 PResEng.dl_ 20696 02-07-02 06:01 PResFre.dl_ 20689 02-07-02 06:01 PResGer.dl_ 20683 02-07-02 06:01 PResIta.dl_ 20647 02-07-02 06:01 PResSpa.dl_ 33512 02-07-02 06:01 PShEng.dl_ 34384 02-07-02 06:01 PShFre.dl_ 34335 02-07-02 06:01 PShGer.dl_ 34303 02-07-02 06:01 PShIta.dl_ 34297 02-07-02 06:01 PShSpa.dl_ 35569 02-07-02 06:01 HDocEng.do_ 37822 02-07-02 06:01 HDocFre.do_ 38553 02-07-02 06:01 HDocGer.do_ 37690 02-07-02 06:01 HDocIta.do_ 37004 02-07-02 06:01 HDocSpa.do_ 40000 02-07-02 06:01 mgabg.ex_ 48431 02-07-02 06:01 mgactrl.ex_ 33789 02-07-02 06:01 mgadnav.ex_ 45985 02-07-02 06:01 mgaqdesk.ex_ 22437 02-07-02 06:01 mgasc.ex_ 231811 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmd.ex_ 174343 02-07-02 06:01 pduninst.ex_ 14428 02-07-02 06:01 HMonEng.hl_ 15236 02-07-02 06:01 HMonFre.hl_ 15630 02-07-02 06:01 HMonGer.hl_ 15491 02-07-02 06:01 HMonIta.hl_ 15102 02-07-02 06:01 HMonSpa.hl_ 31089 02-07-02 06:01 HShEng.hl_ 33869 02-07-02 06:01 HShFre.hl_ 34783 02-07-02 06:01 HShGer.hl_ 33750 02-07-02 06:01 HShIta.hl_ 33077 02-07-02 06:01 HShSpa.hl_ 43317 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdeng.hl_ 44378 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdfre.hl_ 45155 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdger.hl_ 44250 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdita.hl_ 44148 02-07-02 06:01 pdmmdspa.hl_ 79663 02-07-02 06:01 mga.mo_ 2273 02-07-02 06:01 HsmgaEng.rt_ 2273 02-07-02 06:01 HsmgaFre.rt_ 2273 02-07-02 06:01 HsmgaGer.rt_ 2273 02-07-02 06:01 HsmgaIta.rt_ 2273 02-07-02 06:01 HsmgaSpa.rt_ 29090 04-08-02 16:43 mga64.inf 186906 02-07-02 06:01 mga64.sy_ 3535 02-07-02 06:01 mgabg.sy_ 10575 02-07-02 06:01 ReadEng.txt 12817 02-07-02 06:01 ReadFre.txt 12635 02-07-02 06:01 ReadGer.txt 12668 02-07-02 06:01 ReadIta.txt 12362 02-07-02 06:01 ReadSpa.txt -------- ---- 5084878 100 files

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