12 Mar 2025


Pinnacle Micro V2.10 Video Driver

Company: Pinnacle Micro
Model: V2.10
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: miro.zip


Pinnacle Micro V2.10 Driver. I have the full cd version v2.10 24.nov.97
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 608 09-19-97 12:59 POPUP.FRA 79799 11-18-97 15:19 BT848.HLP 87041 08-11-97 19:03 BT848.VXD 11776 08-11-97 19:01 BT848_16.DLL 45568 08-11-97 19:02 BT848_32.DLL 79799 11-18-97 15:19 BT848_E.HLP 66226 11-18-97 15:19 BT848_F.HLP 71711 04-21-97 15:48 BT848_G.HLP 70204 10-15-97 16:01 BT848D_E.DLL 70204 10-15-97 16:01 BT848D_F.DLL 72192 08-11-97 19:01 BT848.DRV 70204 10-15-97 16:01 BT848D_G.DLL 38912 08-11-97 19:01 BT848DDI.DLL 70204 10-15-97 16:01 BT848DLG.DLL 12425 08-11-97 19:03 BT848VBI.386 80409 08-11-97 19:01 BT84XCC.DLL 62976 08-11-97 19:00 BTVVC32.DRV 40448 09-12-97 15:30 GRAPPLER.DLL 17408 03-05-97 15:47 LANGSWT.EXE 332 12-03-96 16:23 LANGSWT.INI 24535 11-19-97 19:05 LIESMICH.TXT 24494 11-20-97 13:20 LISEZMOI.TXT 21920 11-13-97 13:26 MBTHW.DLL 32432 09-15-97 13:12 MCI4CAP.DRV 145 12-09-96 08:42 MCI4CAP.INI 6162 10-22-97 15:55 MIROPCTV.INF 47616 09-15-97 13:18 MIROXL32.DLL 3600 09-10-97 15:39 PCTVCAP.DRV 5536 05-22-97 12:59 PCTVCHK.EXE 9920 09-16-97 13:21 PCTVHW.DLL 553 09-22-97 10:47 POPUP.DEU 503 09-19-97 12:59 POPUP.ENG 160768 09-22-97 12:20 POPUPTXT.EXE 22218 11-20-97 10:46 README.TXT 26112 03-06-97 09:59 TVCHK32.EXE 74752 09-30-97 14:43 UINPCTV.EXE -------- ------- 1509712 36 files

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