12 Mar 2025


Acer Veriton 5500G Video Driver

Company: Acer
Model: Veriton 5500G
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: v55nvdxp.exe


Acer Veriton 5500G Driver. This self extracting file contains the drivers for the NVIDIA Video Adapter for Windows XP. Download this file to your hard drive, then click on v55nvdxp.exe to copy the files to the C:\Acer\Display folder. See the readme.txt file in that folder for instructions on loading the drivers.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 35388 10-05-01 03:37 NV4_DISP.CAT 3071225 09-14-01 12:52 NV4_DISP.DLL 135747 09-14-01 12:52 NV4_DISP.INF 905097 09-14-01 12:52 NV4_MINI.SYS 48725 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPAR.HLP 42843 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPCS.HLP 41192 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPDA.HLP 43360 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPDE.HLP 45597 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPEL.HLP 39462 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPENG.HLP 41527 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPES.HLP 41470 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPESM.HLP 42490 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPFI.HLP 40974 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPFR.HLP 44489 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPHE.HLP 45027 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPHU.HLP 40447 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPIT.HLP 41511 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPJA.HLP 66517 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPKO.HLP 1024000 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPL.DLL 40143 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPL.HLP 42074 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPNL.HLP 40463 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPNO.HLP 42906 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPPL.HLP 40628 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPPT.HLP 39293 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPPTB.HLP 44513 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPRU.HLP 44603 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPSK.HLP 43750 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPSL.HLP 41082 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPSV.HLP 70783 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPTH.HLP 43368 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPTR.HLP 42997 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPZHC.HLP 41984 09-14-01 12:52 NVCPZHT.HLP 1425 09-14-01 12:52 NVDCCAPP.CFG 102400 09-14-01 12:52 NVDESK32.DLL 94208 09-14-01 12:52 NVDMCPL.DLL 86016 09-14-01 12:52 NVINSTNT.DLL 2711552 09-14-01 12:52 NVOGLNT.DLL 110592 09-14-01 12:52 NVQTWK.DLL 102400 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSAR.DLL 106496 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSCS.DLL 106496 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSDA.DLL 110592 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSDE.DLL 98304 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSEL.DLL 106496 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSENG.DLL 114688 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSES.DLL 118784 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSESM.DLL 106496 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSFI.DLL 114688 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSFR.DLL 81920 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSHE.DLL 90112 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSHU.DLL 114688 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSIT.DLL 86016 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSJA.DLL 81920 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSKO.DLL 114688 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSNL.DLL 106496 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSNO.DLL 90112 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSPL.DLL 94208 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSPT.DLL 114688 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSPTB.DLL 110592 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSRU.DLL 90112 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSSK.DLL 90112 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSSL.DLL 106496 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSSV.DLL 90112 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSTR.DLL 61440 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSZHC.DLL 73728 09-14-01 12:52 NVRSZHT.DLL 57344 09-14-01 12:52 NVSVC32.EXE 6226 09-14-01 12:52 NVWSAPPS.CFG 4231 07-11-02 19:04 readme.txt -------- ---- 12312549 70 files

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