4 Mar 2025


Toshiba Satellite 5005-S504, Version 15.33 Video Driver

Company: Toshiba
Model: Satellite 5005-S504, Version 15.33
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: s5kvid2.exe


Toshiba Satellite 5005-S504, Version 15.33 Driver. Windows 2000 Display Driver for nVIDIA GeForce 2Go
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 131072 08-08-01 10:00 ChResW2k.exe 470 10-19-01 17:26 devpathXP.reg 378566 10-22-01 11:12 display.exe 31232 03-21-01 13:49 DrvUpdt.exe 1998713 09-06-01 19:19 nv4_disp.dll 829833 09-06-01 19:19 NV4_mini.sys 43360 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPDE.HLP 41527 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPES.HLP 40974 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPFR.HLP 40447 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPIT.HLP 38547 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPJA.HLP 66517 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPKO.HLP 1404928 09-06-01 19:19 NvCpl.dll 39454 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPL.HLP 42997 09-06-01 19:19 NVCPZHC.HLP 102400 09-06-01 19:19 NVDesk32.dll 73728 09-06-01 19:19 NVDMCPL.dll 86016 09-06-01 19:19 NvInstNT.dll 2498560 09-06-01 19:19 nvoglnt.dll 110592 09-06-01 19:19 NvQTwk.dll 110592 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSDE.dll 114688 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSES.dll 114688 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSFR.dll 114688 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSIT.dll 86016 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSJA.dll 81920 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSKO.dll 61440 09-06-01 19:19 NVRSZHC.dll 57344 09-06-01 19:19 nvsvc32.exe 16597 09-16-01 19:05 nvts.cat 17068 09-06-01 22:01 NVTS.INF 377508 10-19-01 16:59 setres.exe 114688 09-19-01 15:28 setvideo.exe -------- ---- 9267170 32 files

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