12 Mar 2025


Micron NBK001694-02 Video Driver

Company: Micron
Model: NBK001694-02
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: GX_XT_WinXP_Video.exe


Micron NBK001694-02 Driver. Windows XP S3 Video Drivers for the Transport GX/GX+ and XT. (NBK001626-xx, NBK001627-xx, NBK001694-xx, NBK001695-xx, and NBK001699-xx)
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 18655 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOSVE.HLP 68706 07-16-01 13:40 S3DUOVUE.CFG 221184 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOVUE.DLL 9238 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMCHS.HLP 9171 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMCHT.HLP 9304 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMDAN.HLP 9359 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMDEU.HLP 9140 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMENU.HLP 9284 03-26-01 15:07 S3GAMESP.HLP 9385 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMFIN.HLP 9373 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMFRA.HLP 9348 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMITA.HLP 9443 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMJPN.HLP 9022 03-26-01 15:07 S3GAMMA.CFG 135168 03-26-01 13:01 S3GAMMA.DLL 9235 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMNLD.HLP 9197 03-26-01 15:06 S3GAMNOR.HLP 9299 03-26-01 15:07 S3GAMPTB.HLP 9266 03-26-01 15:07 S3GAMSVE.HLP 79296 08-24-01 13:29 s3gsavm.sys 38616 08-30-01 17:47 s3gsavmx.cat 258464 08-24-01 13:28 S3GSAVMX.dll 40960 06-21-01 13:33 S3HOTKEY.EXE 61440 01-15-01 18:10 S3UNINST.EXE 10937 08-24-01 18:57 smxx5333.inf 1295 10-01-02 10:15 Install.ini 39115 06-14-01 18:38 devnode.exe 873472 05-24-02 09:16 INSTALL.exe 343442 08-28-01 17:05 mxicd.dl_ 18320 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOCHS.HLP 18509 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOCHT.HLP 18890 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUODAN.HLP 19685 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUODEU.HLP 18605 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOENU.HLP 19361 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOESP.HLP 18705 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOFIN.HLP 19412 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOFRA.HLP 18897 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOITA.HLP 19484 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOJPN.HLP 20650 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOKOR.HLP 18944 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUONLD.HLP 18859 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUONOR.HLP 18805 07-16-01 13:06 S3DUOPTB.HLP -------- ---- 2596940 43 files

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