12 Mar 2025


Acer Veriton 7200 Video Driver

Company: Acer
Model: Veriton 7200
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: v72ntw2k.exe


Acer Veriton 7200 Driver. This self extracting file contains the drivers for the Geforce 256 video card for Windows 95/98. Download this file to your hard drive, then click on v72ntw2k.exe to extract the drivers to the C:\Acer\Drivers\Video\Geforce folder. See the readme.txt file in that folder for instructions on loading the drivers.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 23186 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPDE.HLP 1175335 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/data1.cab 26283 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/data1.hdr 512 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/data2.cab 335918 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/ikernel.ex_ 894 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/layout.bin 1210421 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/nv4_disp.dll 439093 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NV4_mini.sys 19067 12-03-00 22:07 V532.W2K/NVAC.CAT 42510 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVAC.INF 21740 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPDA.HLP 21854 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPES.HLP 21848 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPFI.HLP 21446 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPFR.HLP 21915 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPIT.HLP 905216 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NvCpl.dll 21443 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPL.HLP 22433 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPNL.HLP 21441 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPNO.HLP 21995 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPPTB.HLP 21441 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPSV.HLP 19468 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPZHC.HLP 19594 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVCPZHT.HLP 69632 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NvInstNT.dll 1439232 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/nvoglnt.dll 114688 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NvQTwk.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSDA.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSDE.dll 53248 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSES.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSFI.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSFR.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSIT.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSNL.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSNO.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSPTB.dll 49152 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSSV.dll 36864 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSZHC.dll 36864 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/NVRSZHT.dll 77878 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/setup.bmp 134656 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/Setup.exe 340 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/Setup.ini 157301 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/setup.inx 435 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/setup.iss 38518 06-26-00 16:22 V532.W2K/Setup16.bmp 848448 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NV4_mini.sys 132169 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/nv4_disp.inf 332192 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/nv4_disp.dll 1413120 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NvCpl.dll 39454 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NVCPL.HLP 1425 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NvDccApp.cfg 102400 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NVDesk32.dll 73728 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NVDMCPL.dll 77824 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NvInstNT.dll 2482176 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/nvoglnt.dll 143360 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NvQTwk.dll 6225 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/NvWsApps.cfg 18192 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/PSAPI.DLL 3765 05-16-01 20:50 V1241.WNT/Readme.txt -------- ---- 12711555 58 files

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