12 Mar 2025


ARK Logic Explorer Multimedia VideoPro 64 Video Pro64 Video Driver

Company: ARK Logic
Model: Explorer Multimedia VideoPro 64 Video Pro64
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: vprowin98.zip


ARK Logic Explorer Multimedia VideoPro 64 Video Pro64 Driver. The original drivers do weird things in Win98 when set to more than 256 colors. I simply substituted three files from Ark Logic's latest drivers for a ARK2000PV chip while keeping the original .inf so Windows would accept the drivers. I also included the Win3.1 drivers without any changes. Full details of the Win98 problem in Win98.txt in the Zip. )
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 644 10-11-00 18:05 Win98.txt 35264 08-17-98 14:13 ARK.DRV 3410 03-27-96 11:29 ARK.INF 17115 08-17-98 14:14 ARK.VXD 38912 08-17-98 14:14 ARKDD32.DLL 1698 03-27-96 11:27 INSTALL.TXT 389 03-27-96 11:28 README.TXT 5488 04-24-96 07:53 FINDER.DAT 3646 03-02-92 00:00 8514FIX.FO_ 4237 03-02-92 00:00 8514OEM.FO_ 3633 03-02-92 00:00 8514SYS.FO_ 62652 01-29-96 00:00 A15FLAT.DR_ 62617 01-29-96 00:00 A16FLAT.DR_ 52096 01-29-96 00:00 A24FLAT.DR_ 64791 01-29-96 00:00 A32FLAT.DR_ 50374 10-04-95 00:00 A4_1024.DR_ 50648 10-04-95 00:00 A4_1280.DR_ 47807 10-04-95 00:00 A4_800.DR_ 58728 01-29-96 00:00 A8MFLAT.DR_ 17762 01-19-96 00:00 ARKDCI.DR_ 2440 12-10-95 00:00 ARKDPMS.DL_ 6740 03-04-96 14:19 ARKPWRSV.EX_ 7322 03-04-96 14:20 ARKSRADJ.EX_ 25265 03-04-96 14:21 ARKWIN31.EX_ 14604 12-04-95 00:00 ARKWINIT.EX_ 3729 03-01-92 00:00 CGA40850.FO_ 3049 03-01-92 00:00 CGA80850.FO_ 6728 12-04-95 00:00 CLKCHP.EX_ 11021 03-01-92 00:00 COURF.FO_ 11921 09-16-94 00:00 CTL3D.DL_ 4058 03-01-92 00:00 EGA40850.FO_ 3243 03-01-92 00:00 EGA80850.FO_ 41320 03-23-92 00:00 MSCOMSTF.DL_ 30427 03-04-96 13:30 MSCUISTF.DL_ 4726 03-23-92 00:00 MSDETECT.IN_ 14949 03-23-92 00:00 MSDETSTF.DL_ 40805 03-23-92 00:00 MSINSSTF.DL_ 1361 03-23-92 00:00 MSREGDB.IN_ 1151 03-23-92 00:00 MSSHARED.IN_ 9226 03-23-92 00:00 MSSHLSTF.DL_ 3970 03-23-92 00:00 MSUILSTF.DL_ 3970 03-04-96 09:40 OEMARK.IN_ 27241 03-01-92 00:00 SERIFF.FO_ 24624 03-23-92 00:00 SETUP.EXE 1345 03-04-96 13:58 SETUP.IN_ 586 03-04-96 13:51 SETUP.LST 5537 03-04-96 14:38 SETUP.MST 13136 05-11-94 00:00 SETUPAPI.IN_ 10489 03-01-92 00:00 SMALLF.FO_ 27627 03-01-92 00:00 SSERIFF.FO_ 27198 03-01-92 00:00 SYMBOLF.FO_ 27669 07-24-95 00:00 VDDARK.38_ 3658 04-08-92 00:00 VGAARK.2G_ 9860 06-17-94 00:00 VGAARK.3G_ 2715 03-10-92 00:00 VGAFIX.FO_ 1245 03-10-92 00:00 VGALOGO.LG_ 9204 03-10-92 00:00 VGALOGO.RL_ 3219 03-10-92 00:00 VGAOEM.FO_ 3111 03-10-92 00:00 VGASYS.FO_ 10101 03-10-92 00:00 WIN.CN_ 7543 03-23-92 00:00 _MSSETUP.EX_ 55370 03-23-92 00:00 _MSTEST.EX_ -------- ------- 1105414 62 files

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