12 Mar 2025


Magic Pro ProHDTV Mini Video Driver

Company: Magic Pro
Model: ProHDTV Mini
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Mini_driver_x86.zip


Magic Pro ProHDTV Mini Driver. DMB-TH USB HDTV Stick

TV Card Driver File

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 57344 03-24-05 17:33 32bit/devcon.exe 29024 11-27-09 15:17 32bit/MCML/DiagnosticsPage.mcml 32936 11-16-09 19:09 32bit/MCML/Diagnostics_DataSource.mcml 38150 11-16-09 19:26 32bit/MCML/Diagnostics_FirstPage.mcml 51910 11-16-09 19:27 32bit/MCML/Diagnostics_Signal.mcml 11830 03-06-09 17:03 32bit/MCML/Images/AUTOSCROLL.CHEVRON.BOTTOM.REST.png 5254 03-06-09 17:02 32bit/MCML/Images/AUTOSCROLL.CHEVRON.TOP.REST.png 11598 03-06-09 18:31 32bit/MCML/Images/bg2.png 281878 03-06-09 17:02 32bit/MCML/Images/COMMON.BACKGROUND.png 542 03-06-09 17:02 32bit/MCML/Images/COMMON.BUTTON.FIRSTRUN.DORMANT.FULL.png 17086 03-06-09 17:01 32bit/MCML/Images/COMMON.BUTTON.LEFT.FOCUS.png 2838 03-06-09 17:01 32bit/MCML/Images/COMMON.BUTTON.LEFT.FOCUSOVERLAY.png 13094 03-06-09 17:01 32bit/MCML/Images/COMMON.LIST.FRAME.png 11662 03-06-09 17:01 32bit/MCML/Images/footer.png 432442 11-17-09 12:02 32bit/MCML/Images/introduction.png 13134 03-06-09 17:00 32bit/MCML/Images/listframe.png 61738 11-27-09 14:55 32bit/MCML/Images/logo.png 31798 03-06-09 17:00 32bit/MCML/Images/mCE.png 20262 03-06-09 17:00 32bit/MCML/Images/MEDIACENTERLOGO.png 13134 03-06-09 17:00 32bit/MCML/Images/sqs.png 11598 03-06-09 16:59 32bit/MCML/Images/upbanner.png 684 04-08-09 03:25 32bit/MCML/Images/vssver2.scc 192230 03-06-09 16:56 32bit/MCML/Images/WinLogo1.png 28450 11-16-09 19:24 32bit/MCML/Setup.mcml 32936 11-16-09 18:55 32bit/MCML/Setup_DataSource.mcml 38126 11-16-09 19:25 32bit/MCML/Setup_FirstPage.mcml 52302 11-16-09 19:25 32bit/MCML/Setup_Signal.mcml 9188 12-18-09 12:43 32bit/UD2E142D.inf 169216 10-28-09 10:10 32bit/UD2E142D.sys 1732257 12-18-09 13:38 win7_32.exe -------- ---- 3404641 30 files

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