12 Mar 2025


Acer TravelMate 6000 Video Driver

Company: Acer
Model: TravelMate 6000
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: TM6000VGA.zip


Acer TravelMate 6000 Driver. Intel VGA Driver version This file is included on the TravelMate System CD that shipped with the system.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 25 08-29-03 09:47 VGA/autorun.inf 49 12-08-03 14:37 VGA/Install.cfg 69632 01-23-04 18:32 VGA/Instngin.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:32 VGA/Lang/ara/IGDIara.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/arb/IGDIarb.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/chs/IGDIchs.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/cht/IGDIcht.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:32 VGA/Lang/csy/IGDIcsy.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/dan/IGDIdan.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/deu/IGDIdeu.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/ell/IGDIell.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/eng/IGDIeng.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:32 VGA/Lang/esp/IGDIesp.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/fin/IGDIfin.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/fra/IGDIfra.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/frc/IGDIfrc.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/heb/IGDIheb.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/hun/IGDIhun.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/ita/IGDIita.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/jpn/IGDIjpn.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/kor/IGDIkor.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:32 VGA/Lang/nld/IGDInld.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/nor/IGDInor.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/plk/IGDIplk.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/ptb/IGDIptb.dll 28672 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/ptg/IGDIptg.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/rus/IGDIrus.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/sve/IGDIsve.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/tha/IGDItha.dll 24576 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/Lang/trk/IGDItrk.dll 106496 05-14-03 11:17 VGA/PCIUtil.dll 29541 01-23-04 18:33 VGA/ReadMe.txt 143360 01-23-04 18:32 VGA/Setup.exe 118784 01-16-04 10:22 VGA/Win2000/hccutils.dll 118784 01-16-04 10:23 VGA/Win2000/hkcmd.exe 42860 01-22-04 18:03 VGA/Win2000/i830mnt5.cat 61440 01-16-04 10:42 VGA/Win2000/ialmcoin.dll 712251 01-16-04 10:48 VGA/Win2000/ialmdd5.dll 131259 01-16-04 10:42 VGA/Win2000/ialmdev5.dll 103484 01-16-04 10:42 VGA/Win2000/ialmdnt5.dll 471040 01-16-04 10:41 VGA/Win2000/ialmgdev.dll 2273280 01-16-04 10:40 VGA/Win2000/ialmgicd.dll 36817 01-16-04 10:49 VGA/Win2000/ialmnt5.inf 666109 01-16-04 10:49 VGA/Win2000/ialmnt5.sys 49152 01-16-04 10:42 VGA/Win2000/ialmrem.dll 36415 01-16-04 10:42 VGA/Win2000/ialmrnt5.dll 462848 01-16-04 10:25 VGA/Win2000/igfxcfg.exe 94208 01-16-04 10:25 VGA/Win2000/igfxcpl.cpl 139264 01-16-04 10:22 VGA/Win2000/igfxdev.dll 45056 01-16-04 10:26 VGA/Win2000/igfxdgps.dll 151552 01-16-04 10:26 VGA/Win2000/igfxdiag.exe 86016 01-16-04 10:22 VGA/Win2000/igfxdo.dll 221184 01-16-04 10:27 VGA/Win2000/igfxeud.dll 32768 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxexps.dll 94208 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxext.exe 60023 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhara.lhp 59897 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxharb.lhp 58419 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhchs.lhp 58365 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhcht.lhp 59723 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhcsy.lhp 62648 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhdan.lhp 62437 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhdeu.lhp 61781 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhell.lhp 58047 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxheng.lhp 57322 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhenu.lhp 61033 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhesp.lhp 60155 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhfin.lhp 61787 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhfra.lhp 61876 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhfrc.lhp 61809 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhheb.lhp 67025 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhhun.lhp 59316 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhita.lhp 60495 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhjpn.lhp 126976 01-16-04 10:23 VGA/Win2000/igfxhk.dll 64239 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhkor.lhp 59817 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhnld.lhp 59271 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhnor.lhp 62701 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhplk.lhp 61203 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhptb.lhp 61662 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhptg.lhp 61022 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhrus.lhp 59184 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhsve.lhp 62362 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhtha.lhp 64245 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxhtrk.lhp 225280 01-16-04 10:27 VGA/Win2000/igfxpph.dll 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrara.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrarb.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrchs.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrcht.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrcsy.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrdan.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrdeu.lrc 167936 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrell.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxreng.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:23 VGA/Win2000/igfxrenu.lrc 167936 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxresp.lrc 864256 01-16-04 10:23 VGA/Win2000/igfxress.dll 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrfin.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrfra.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrfrc.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrheb.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrhun.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrita.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrjpn.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrkor.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrnld.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrnor.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrplk.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrptb.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrptg.lrc 163840 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrrus.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrsve.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrtha.lrc 159744 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxrtrk.lrc 335872 01-16-04 10:23 VGA/Win2000/igfxsrvc.dll 155648 01-16-04 10:27 VGA/Win2000/igfxtray.exe 90112 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/igfxzoom.exe 69632 01-16-04 10:28 VGA/Win2000/oemdspif.dll -------- ---- 15308210 118 files

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