6 Mar 2025


S3 Virge DX GX GX2 Video Driver

Company: S3
Model: Virge DX GX GX2
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: S3VirgeDXGXGX2.zip


S3 Virge DX GX GX2 Driver. Here's the latest driver for W98 and maybe W95. ***It says "S3 VirgeDX / GX / GX2 Logo'd Windows 9x FASTD3D Driver version * S3D Tool Kit version (s3dtkw.dll) 5.00.01 * -05/14/98-"*** If you want the Win NT ones, drop me a note and I'll upload them or send them to you.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 33792 11-11-97 21:40 S3DTKW.DLL 113152 11-11-97 21:39 S3HAL95.DLL 19619 10-22-96 12:20 S3KERNEL.VXD 60487 05-13-98 17:29 S3VDD2.VXD 5038 09-04-98 03:01 S3VIRGE.INF 141808 05-12-98 19:57 S3_3.DRV 357888 05-12-98 19:58 S3_32V.DLL 192 05-14-98 16:51 VERSION.TXT -------- ------- 731976 8 files

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