12 Mar 2025


LookC Applied Technologies Manufacturing Ltd (ATM) Moviestar PCI Video Capture Device Video Driver

Company: LookC
Model: Applied Technologies Manufacturing Ltd (ATM) Moviestar PCI Video Capture Device
Operating System: All Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: atmmovstar.zip


LookC Applied Technologies Manufacturing Ltd (ATM) Moviestar PCI Video Capture Device Driver. This driver took me forever to find, you can get it at the atm website at www.atmltd.co.uk/ ,but you'll have to suffer downloading 80MB of bundled software (MGI videowave) with the drivers (1 big ZIP) DriverGuide Note: ATM is now LookC Limited http://www.lookc.co.uk/
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7555 09-03-98 13:27 atm moviestar/Bt848.inf 0 02-21-01 21:25 atm moviestar/drv/ 54288 06-07-96 17:34 atm moviestar/drv/BTVVC.DRV 72192 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/Bt848.drv 91653 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/Bt848.vxd 38912 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/Bt848DDI.dll 11776 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/Bt848_16.dll 130753 09-03-98 12:41 atm moviestar/drv/Bt848dlg.dll 81735 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/Bt84xcc.dll 62976 02-02-98 15:29 atm moviestar/drv/BtVVC32.drv 45568 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/bt848_32.dll 12425 02-02-98 15:29 atm moviestar/drv/bt848vbi.386 16755 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/btutil16.dll 33280 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/btutil32.dll 37376 02-09-98 15:10 atm moviestar/drv/grappler.dll 0 02-21-01 21:24 atm moviestar/ -------- ------- 697244 16 files

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