Model: Trident 3DImage 9750 (AGP v4457h)
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
Trident Microsystems Trident 3DImage 9750 (AGP v4457h) Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
78848 04-08-98 13:41 SGIUL98.DRV
49152 04-08-98 13:50 SRR.DOC
206848 04-06-98 10:42 T3DDD98.DLL
359424 02-09-98 15:22 TDISPLUS.DLL
12345 01-09-96 17:11 TDISPLUS.HLP
34304 02-09-98 15:19 THKEYSPY.EXE
14901 02-18-98 11:10 TRID985.VXD
97 02-17-98 13:13 TRIDENT.DAT
3716 05-01-98 17:37 TRIDENT.INF
25106 08-04-97 12:41 VGARTD.VXD
9161 02-19-98 12:07 VIAGART.VXD
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793902 11 files