Model: 3D Blaster Annihilator Pro
Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
Creative Labs 3D Blaster Annihilator Pro Driver. Language: English
File Contents: Driver Update version 44.04 for Windows NT 4
This is a new driver update of Creative Graphics Cards for users running on Windows NT4 only.
This update is meant for Creative TNT, TNT2, GeForce, GeForce2, GeForce3, GeForce4, and 3D Blaster 5 FX series of graphics
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
654501 05-09-03 15:30 CLEGFX.dl_
20954 05-09-03 15:30 modes.txt
333939 05-09-03 15:30 nv4_disp.dl_
841125 05-09-03 15:30 nv4_mini.sy_
36084 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPAR.HL_
40156 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPCS.HL_
43015 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPDA.HL_
45729 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPDE.HL_
43488 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPEL.HL_
38973 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPENG.HL_
41969 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPES.HL_
44923 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPFI.HL_
43721 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPFR.HL_
36866 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPHE.HL_
48329 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPHU.HL_
42190 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPIT.HL_
34373 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPJA.HL_
36902 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPKO.HL_
2450841 05-09-03 15:30 NvCpl.dl_
38995 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPL.HL_
42545 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPNL.HL_
43025 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPNO.HL_
46752 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPPL.HL_
42026 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPPT.HL_
42504 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPPTB.HL_
46163 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPRU.HL_
40047 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPSK.HL_
44933 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPSL.HL_
43495 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPSV.HL_
21545 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPTH.HL_
50078 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPTR.HL_
32680 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPZHC.HL_
32787 05-09-03 15:30 NVCPZHT.HL_
13296 05-09-03 15:30 NVCU.INF
45019 05-09-03 15:30 NVDesk32.dl_
38267 05-09-03 15:30 NVDMCPL.dl_
42924 05-09-03 15:30 NvInstNT.dl_
24431 05-09-03 15:30 NvMCTray.dl_
1886685 05-12-03 03:19 nvoglnt.dl_
1819559 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSAR.dl_
140677 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSCS.dl_
141273 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSDA.dl_
143385 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSDE.dl_
141042 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSEL.dl_
141173 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSENG.dl_
139649 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSES.dl_
139133 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSFI.dl_
142780 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSFR.dl_
1815448 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSHE.dl_
138309 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSHU.dl_
143059 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSIT.dl_
1817755 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSJA.dl_
1816820 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSKO.dl_
142098 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSNL.dl_
140499 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSNO.dl_
137874 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSPL.dl_
137579 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSPT.dl_
142251 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSPTB.dl_
143728 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSRU.dl_
138574 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSSK.dl_
140753 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSSL.dl_
140889 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSSV.dl_
142277 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSTR.dl_
134413 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSZHC.dl_
134471 05-09-03 15:30 NVRSZHT.dl_
32434 05-09-03 15:30 nvsvc32.ex_
9064 05-09-03 15:30 PSAPI.DL_
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17893241 67 files