12 Mar 2025


TeleVideo CL450-P160 Video Driver

Company: TeleVideo
Model: CL450-P160
Operating System: All Windows Versions (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mpegpro.zip


TeleVideo CL450-P160 Driver. Televideo was kind enough to email this driver to me at my request. Since then, several people have asked me for it. This is a Windows 3.1 driver for the TeleVideo Multimedia ISA adapter. I was told it works fine with Windows 9x also.

Here is some additional information about the adapter


Other markings 143566-02 Rev 2.0.

The 2 largest chips "MCT, Inc. MVP131A", and "C-Cube Microsystems MPEG Decoder CL450-P160"

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 14336 02-28-95 21:47 DIGITALV.MCI 11145 03-20-95 12:30 HWTEST.DLL 207037 09-22-93 09:36 INSTALL.EXE 11776 11-19-93 00:00 MCIOLE.DLL 19440 09-14-95 19:06 MCTMPEG.DLL 61648 03-10-92 03:10 MMSYSTEM.DLL 117536 11-19-93 00:00 MPLAYER.EXE 1116 02-25-95 14:45 MPLAYER.REG 124416 11-19-93 00:00 MSVIDEO.DLL 91 07-01-95 18:20 MVP131.BIN 115871 09-14-95 18:54 MVP131.DLL 2478 09-17-95 18:21 MVP131.INI 5245 09-17-95 18:20 MVP131TT.INI 2054 09-21-95 21:15 README.TXT 533 08-06-95 23:46 RZMPEG.INI 312869 09-21-95 21:02 TELEAPP.EXE 226346 09-21-95 20:19 TELEMPEG.EXE 45938 03-04-95 11:27 TELEVID.BMP 26363 09-16-95 11:33 TELEVID.INF 34 06-21-95 14:56 TELEZIP.BAT 87424 07-27-93 11:49 VIC.DLL 12800 03-10-92 03:10 WIN87EM.EXE -------- ------- 1406496 22 files

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