6 Mar 2025


S3 Trio 3D/2X Video Driver

Company: S3
Model: Trio 3D/2X
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 362368_win9x_10028.zip


S3 Trio 3D/2X Driver. This Driver is from the Diamond Speedstar A55 Site. It installed and worked right out of the download Diamond apparently used the S3 chip in the manufacture of the A55
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1535 10-09-98 16:04 INSTALL.TXT 3985 10-09-98 08:05 LICENSE.TXT 105472 01-25-99 11:27 S3_REFRE.DLL 33792 11-11-97 18:40 S3DTKW.DLL 9006 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMCHS.HLP 8938 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMCHT.HLP 9069 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMDAN.HLP 9119 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMDEU.HLP 8921 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMENU.HLP 9035 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMESP.HLP 9176 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMFIN.HLP 9140 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMFRA.HLP 9122 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMITA.HLP 9155 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMJPN.HLP 9543 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMKOR.HLP 9974 02-01-99 11:07 S3GAMMA.CFG 5167 01-25-99 11:27 S3REFRE.VXD 44032 10-05-98 13:53 S3UNINST.EXE 226 05-19-99 13:49 VERSION.TXT 25106 10-30-97 21:33 VGARTD.VXD 129536 02-01-99 15:20 S3GAMMA.DLL 8979 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMNLD.HLP 8972 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMNOR.HLP 9074 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMPTB.HLP 9011 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMSVE.HLP 9466 02-01-99 15:21 S3GAMTHA.HLP 113152 11-11-97 18:39 S3HAL95.DLL 19619 10-22-96 09:20 S3KERNEL.VXD 12187 05-19-99 13:24 S3LC2X.CAT 410624 05-06-99 13:19 S3LC2X.DLL 145456 05-06-99 13:19 S3LC2X.DRV 8907 05-19-99 13:24 S3LC2X.INF 45761 03-16-99 16:03 S3LC2X.VXD 10109 01-22-99 13:44 S3REFRE.CFG -------- ------- 1270366 34 files

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