12 Mar 2025


Number Nine Imagine 128 Video Driver

Company: Number Nine
Model: Imagine 128
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: imagine128.ZIP


Number Nine Imagine 128 Driver. Driver should work with Windows 95 or Windows 98. Since Windows ME is the next progression after 98SE, it might work with that, but no guarantee. The diskette this Winzip file was made from was Version 2.27 for the Number 9 Imagine 128 board. Should setup.exe grip about a diskette, unzip the files and return them to a diskette.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 30881 04-14-95 16:44 #9WALL.BM# 11408 04-18-94 08:54 120FIX.FON 12720 04-18-94 08:54 120OEM.FON 9136 04-18-94 08:54 120SYS.FON 5776 04-18-94 08:54 96FIX.FON 5584 04-18-94 08:54 96OEM.FON 6368 04-18-94 08:54 96SYS.FON 22743 04-14-95 16:43 9GREENPC.SC# 37472 04-07-95 15:06 BRDSYNC.DLL 10011 04-14-95 16:43 CCURSOR.DL# 9395 04-14-95 16:43 COURF.FO# 11355 12-30-94 15:55 DACSNOOP.EXX 5147 04-14-95 16:43 DCIMAN.DL# 4321 04-14-95 16:47 FILELIST.TXT 28727 04-14-95 16:43 GAMMA.EX# 3479 04-14-95 16:43 GMFEATUR.DL# 2764 04-14-95 16:43 GREENFTR.DL# 39407 04-14-95 16:43 HAWKEYE.EX# 37941 04-14-95 16:44 HAWKEYE.HL# 834 03-10-95 11:47 HAWKEYE.INI 6161 04-14-95 16:43 HAWKFILT.DL# 229120 04-14-95 14:47 I128.DRV 20064 10-25-94 12:19 I128BORD.DLL 5120 03-07-95 18:00 I128INIT.DLL 15335 04-14-95 16:43 I128STAT.DL# 29 04-14-95 16:44 I128VERS.TXT 12713 04-14-95 16:43 I128ZOOM.DL# 13486 04-14-95 16:43 I128_DCI.EX# 2165 04-14-95 16:43 I128_PWR.DL# 4816 03-10-95 14:53 I128_SET.INF 8060 04-14-95 16:43 INTEREX.DL# 9728 10-27-93 12:49 INTLDLG.DLL 75360 02-23-95 09:03 IRESET.EXX 15537 10-01-92 11:48 METER.DLL 19183 04-14-95 16:43 MONLIST.DL# 8922 04-14-95 16:44 MONLIST.IN# 2804 04-14-95 16:43 MOUSEACT.DL# 4816 04-14-95 16:44 NETSETUP.INF 9923 04-25-95 17:21 NETWORK.TXT 4129 09-13-94 14:24 OEMSETUP.INF 8975 04-14-95 16:43 PATTIF.DL# 11496 04-14-95 16:43 PLACEWIN.DL# 33578 04-25-95 18:29 READ_ME.TXT 23832 04-14-95 16:43 REXCHANG.EX# 6108 04-14-95 16:43 REXI128.DL# 2691 04-14-95 16:43 RXFEATUR.DL# 22810 04-14-95 16:43 SERIFF.FO# 102640 04-03-95 12:50 SETUP.EXE 8880 04-14-95 16:43 SMALLF.FO# 13824 04-27-93 13:25 SQUISH.DLL 22624 04-14-95 16:43 SSERIFF.FO# 10856 04-14-95 16:43 STOPBOX.DL# 23534 04-14-95 16:43 SYMBOLF.FO# 18416 04-14-95 16:43 UDH.DL# 24096 04-15-93 18:52 UNSQUISH.EXX 32318 03-17-95 17:50 VDDI128.386 876 03-23-95 08:54 VERBOSE.TXT 4484 03-10-92 03:10 VGACOLOR.2GR 2700 04-14-95 16:43 WMFEATUR.DL# 27134 04-14-95 16:43 WMONSYNC.EX# 7009 05-23-95 16:56 ZOOM.TXT -------- ------- 1171821 61 files

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