12 Mar 2025


Guillemot International Maxi Gamer Phoenix Video Driver

Company: Guillemot International
Model: Maxi Gamer Phoenix
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Banshee.zip


Guillemot International Maxi Gamer Phoenix Driver. This is the only driver that I could find that would work in Win2k that had OpenGL. It is a beta driver, but since I have installed it, I have had no problems whatsoever.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 42672 05-17-00 17:12 banshee.sys 1105408 10-16-99 02:14 3DfxSpl2.dll 1105408 10-16-99 02:21 3DfxSpl3.dll 286000 05-17-00 17:11 banshee.dll 3983 05-17-00 17:10 Banshee.inf 1325056 05-17-00 09:31 3dfxOGL.dll 233984 05-17-00 17:14 glide2x.dll 326656 05-17-00 17:15 glide3x.dll 5833 01-27-00 16:11 license.txt 302 05-17-00 17:16 manifest.txt 3063 05-17-00 17:16 readme.txt -------- ------- 4438365 11 files

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