28 Jan 2025


Matrox Graphics mga400 Video Driver

Company: Matrox Graphics
Model: mga400
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mga400on7ix-d2f.zip


Matrox Graphics mga400 Driver. thats for gigabyte 7ix users with a genuin matrox mga400. using the 7ix.f2d beta bios neither the matrox driver nor the gigabyte-ga400-drivers would work under win98. Here is a mixture out of both, which works perfectly with this frist stable bios.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 99684 11-26-99 15:16 G400.dr_ 187625 11-26-99 15:18 G400.vx_ 10266 11-26-99 15:15 G400DD.vx_ 342641 11-26-99 15:12 G400DD32.dl_ 872603 11-26-99 14:24 G400icd.dl_ 11352 09-20-99 14:59 Install.inf 140763 11-26-99 14:03 PDesk.ex_ 1369 10-11-99 16:51 pdeskchn.cn_ 50207 10-11-99 16:51 pdeskchn.hl_ 1680 10-18-99 11:49 pdeskdut.cn_ 65707 10-18-99 11:50 pdeskdut.hl_ 1568 10-21-99 15:23 PDeskEng.cn_ 60362 11-26-99 14:12 PDeskEng.hl_ 1781 10-21-99 15:23 PDeskFre.cn_ 62385 11-26-99 14:12 PDeskFre.hl_ 1681 10-21-99 15:23 PDeskGer.cn_ 65474 11-26-99 14:12 PDeskGer.hl_ 1750 10-21-99 15:23 PDeskIta.cn_ 63738 11-26-99 14:12 PDeskIta.hl_ 1571 10-15-99 17:01 PDeskJpn.cn_ 53489 10-15-99 17:02 PDeskJpn.hl_ 1458 09-30-99 09:39 pdeskkor.cn_ 51653 08-02-99 14:29 pdeskkor.hl_ 1361 10-11-99 17:55 PDeskPrc.cn_ 49406 10-12-99 10:18 PDeskPrc.hl_ 34759 11-26-99 14:04 PDKernel.dl_ 941 10-01-99 09:37 PDMenu.bm_ 64125 08-03-99 14:01 PDMonLst.mp_ 152090 11-26-99 14:06 PDPages.dl_ 678 09-16-99 13:09 PDPages.ic_ 94055 09-27-99 21:26 pdreschn.dl_ 101308 09-29-99 10:36 pdresdut.dl_ 49547 11-26-99 14:08 PDResEng.dl_ 50089 11-26-99 14:08 pdresfre.dl_ 50221 11-26-99 14:09 pdresger.dl_ 50337 11-26-99 14:09 pdresita.dl_ 93958 09-29-99 08:45 pdresjpn.dl_ 93377 09-29-99 08:54 pdreskor.dl_ 92333 09-29-99 10:43 pdresprc.dl_ 77789 11-26-99 14:07 PDTools.dl_ 221184 11-26-99 14:01 setup.exe 9952 11-26-99 13:59 setup16.dll 24576 11-26-99 14:00 setup32.dll 196608 11-26-99 14:01 SetupRes.dll 5900 01-01-98 14:38 SuppChn.rt_ 3763 01-01-98 15:04 suppdut.rt_ 2898 10-21-99 15:23 SuppEng.rt_ 3462 10-21-99 15:23 SuppFre.rt_ 3845 01-01-98 14:54 SuppGer.rt_ 3633 10-21-99 15:23 SuppIta.rt_ 4461 01-01-98 14:59 SuppJpn.rt_ 11817 01-01-98 15:02 suppkor.rt_ 6005 01-01-98 14:49 SuppPrc.rt_ 10880 10-21-99 15:33 vgartd.vx_ 168621 11-26-99 14:58 G200.vx_ 7843 11-26-99 14:56 G200DD.vx_ 193668 11-26-99 14:53 G200DD32.DL_ 854957 11-26-99 14:25 G200icd.dl_ 553256 10-08-99 15:13 MGATGLK7.DLL 553256 10-08-99 15:12 MGATGLP3.DLL 105902 11-26-99 14:47 Mgau.dr_ 216547 11-26-99 14:50 Mgau.vx_ 8634 11-26-99 14:46 Mgaudd.vx_ 166234 11-26-99 14:44 Mgaudd32.dl_ 27220 10-21-99 15:24 PDBkgnd.bm_ 30488 11-26-99 14:11 PDeskcmd.ex_ 98073 11-26-99 14:56 G200.dr_ 1726 10-21-99 15:23 PDeskSpa.cn_ 61971 11-26-99 14:14 PDeskSpa.hl_ 303104 10-06-99 18:21 PDGLUtil.exe 49618 11-26-99 14:10 PDResSpa.dl_ 3251 10-21-99 15:23 SuppSpa.rt_ 282624 11-26-99 14:03 pdesk.exe 263 01-30-00 05:31 readme.txt -------- ------- 7403421 74 files

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