Model: NVIDIA Vanta
Operating System: Other (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
nVIDIA NVIDIA Vanta Driver. New Detonater driver Version 3.75 from nVIDIA. Works fine under Win2K with full AGP-Support for RIVA TNT, TNT2 (Ultra) and GeForce Graphics Adapter
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
1082576 01-20-00 12:29 nv4_disp.dll
48755 01-20-00 12:29 nv4_disp.inf
421472 01-20-00 12:26 NV4_mini.sys
65536 01-20-00 12:29 NvInstNT.dll
1334784 01-20-00 12:24 nvoglnt.dll
2560 01-20-00 12:29 Readme.txt
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2955683 6 files