12 Mar 2025


Malifax Computers Movie Vision (Auravision vxp500) Video Driver

Company: Malifax Computers
Model: Movie Vision (Auravision vxp500)
Operating System: Windows 3.x (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MWvideo.zip


Malifax Computers Movie Vision (Auravision vxp500) Driver. This driver was recovered from badly corrupted floppy, so not all of the features works, but the most important works nicely! DiskEditor forever!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 128 10-19-01 03:01 ZRPARAMS.DAT 2050 10-19-01 04:20 2050._2_ 2050 10-19-01 04:21 2050._3_ 3066 10-19-01 04:19 3066._1_ 3066 10-19-01 04:23 3066._2_ 73008 10-19-01 03:28 AVCTRL.EXE 14416 10-19-01 03:03 CTL3D.DLL 14336 10-19-01 04:17 DIGITALV.MCI 38518 10-19-01 02:55 FANCY1.BMP 38518 10-19-01 02:57 FANCY2.BMP 38518 10-19-01 02:58 FANCY3.BMP 38518 10-19-01 03:02 FRAME.DIB 12592 10-19-01 04:22 LOADDSP.EXE 12576 10-19-01 02:46 MCIMW.DRV 17869 10-19-01 04:18 MPEG_M2.PRG 32640 10-19-01 02:47 MPEG_MCI.DRV 282 10-19-01 04:18 MPEGTEST.PRG 47348 10-19-01 02:42 MSDNTB.DLL 25456 10-19-01 02:52 MW2CAPT.DRV 15216 10-19-01 03:12 MW2CODEC.DRV 24976 10-19-01 03:15 MWCAPT.DRV 321584 10-19-01 03:36 MWCD.EXE 18768 10-19-01 03:21 MWCODEC.DRV 128 10-19-01 05:55 MWCONFIG.DAT 34816 10-19-01 03:39 MWCONFIG.EXE 8192 10-19-01 04:16 MWSNOOP.EXE 6699 10-19-01 02:55 MWVMPEG.386 48640 10-19-01 02:45 MWWIN.DLL 9398 10-19-01 03:42 MWWIN.INI 736 10-19-01 13:21 Readme.txt 32640 10-19-01 03:24 RMPEGMCI.DRV 1683 10-19-01 04:19 TONE27.PRG 88928 10-19-01 02:45 WINMPEG.DLL 2050 10-19-01 04:20 2050._1_ -------- ------- 1029409 34 files

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