28 Feb 2025


Zoltrix 6520-234593-02 Video Driver

Company: Zoltrix
Model: 6520-234593-02
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: justtv.exe


Zoltrix 6520-234593-02 Driver. This is a driver for a JustTv card by Zoltrix, is fully functional for Windows 3.x, Windows 95, 98, ME. Also is useful for the Video HighWay TV card by Aimslab...it´s the same chipset.

Este es el controlador para la Tarjeta de televisión JustTv de Zoltrix, es completamente funcional para Windows 3.x, Windows 95, 98 y ME. Tambien es util para la tarjeta Video HighWayTv de Aimslab...ya que estan construidas de la misma forma y diesño.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 55370 03-23-92 00:00 justtv/_MSTEST.EX_ 31755 10-15-96 13:45 justtv/BITBTN.DL_ 56846 10-15-96 10:23 justtv/CONFIG.EX_ 11511 04-12-94 00:00 justtv/CTL3D.DL_ 31264 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/INIUPD.DL_ 888 10-15-96 14:47 justtv/INSIDETV.IN_ 2680 10-15-96 13:30 justtv/INSIDETV.MS_ 2737 09-05-96 11:37 justtv/INTV.IN_ 31770 10-15-96 13:49 justtv/INTVBTN.DL_ 10152 08-28-96 15:35 justtv/LINEIN.EX_ 41320 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/MSCOMSTF.DL_ 20869 10-15-96 14:38 justtv/MSCUISTF.DL_ 4726 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/MSDETECT.IN_ 14949 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/MSDETSTF.DL_ 40594 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/MSINSSTF.DL_ 10000 03-16-95 00:00 justtv/MSSHLSTF.DL_ 3970 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/MSUILSTF.DL_ 24624 03-23-92 00:00 justtv/SETUP.EXE 584 10-15-96 11:51 justtv/SETUP.LST 13459 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/SETUPAPI.IN_ 11110 08-23-96 14:39 justtv/TUNERNT.IN_ 8412 09-05-96 12:36 justtv/TUNERPAL.IN_ 4526 08-23-96 14:35 justtv/TUNERSEC.IN_ 59257 10-15-96 12:02 justtv/TV.EX_ 53227 10-15-96 14:46 justtv/TV.HL_ 8821 08-19-96 11:41 justtv/TVHOOK.DL_ 6307 10-31-94 00:00 justtv/VER.DL_ 36618 10-15-96 11:23 justtv/VHUNINST.EX_ 243 08-19-96 20:02 justtv/VHUNINST.IN_ 0 10-27-01 23:07 justtv/ -------- ------- 598589 30 files

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