12 Mar 2025


Genoa Systems 8300 Video Driver

Company: Genoa Systems
Model: 8300
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 8300.zip


Genoa Systems 8300 Driver. From Ray:

All four files are what I got from the Manufacturers Website, when I owned the Genoa 8300 VL bus video card for a 486 computer. These files were on floppy's and they were what I used for installing the video card.

There are two versions of the drivers 1.9 and 2.0. The first disk is a winzip file called "85WIN31.zip", and disk two is called "85ACAD.zip", which were the older version 1.9 install disks. (The names are what the zip program defaulted the names to be, in Windows XP.)

The first disk had a subdirectory called "85WIN31", with the main install files in the root directory. ( I worked with DOS and still call folders, directories. Also these files were to be used with DOS and Windows 3.1.)

The second disk had only the unzip files in it with no subdirectories.

The newer version 2.0 disks had only one file on each disk, I believe.

With the file "85VL20-1.EXE" on one disk and "85LV20-2.EXE" on the second disk. I believe that you typed "85VL20-1.EXE" without the quotes to run the install program. I might have worked more automatically than the older version, which you had to massage the older drivers yourself, into the programs.

I believe the drivers worked OK when I used them, but I have said I don't know if they work now. I don't have a 486 computer or the video card any more. (I don't believe the company is around any more.) GOOD LUCK

This was the Email requesting the uploaded drivers that I sent to "driverguide.com". See below...


hi, I'm new here, i'am searching a old drivers to a VGA video Card :

Genoa Systems

Model: 8300VL


FCC ID : FB88300VL

its very old but im triying to get it work for sell that old pc

bye, ty

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