12 Mar 2025


Pioneer USA nVidia WDM Video Capture (universal) Video Driver

Company: Pioneer USA
Model: nVidia WDM Video Capture (universal)
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: WDM1.04h.zip


Pioneer USA nVidia WDM Video Capture (universal) Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 38518 01-02-01 13:30 1.04h/Setup16.bmp 27648 10-02-98 19:06 1.04h/_ISDel.exe 34816 09-29-98 17:34 1.04h/_Setup.dll 181565 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/_sys1.cab 3905 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/_sys1.hdr 7386 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/_user1.cab 4310 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/_user1.hdr 125 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/DATA.TAG 469 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/data1.cab 2647 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/data1.hdr 0 01-02-01 13:30 1.04h/Dummy 28672 02-27-01 13:01 1.04h/filter.ax 4679 09-18-98 15:12 1.04h/lang.dat 724 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/layout.bin 10284 03-16-01 13:31 1.04h/nvcap.inf 105056 03-29-01 14:51 1.04h/nvcap.sys 176216 03-28-01 01:01 1.04h/NvInst32.dll 2433 03-16-01 14:49 1.04h/nvtunep.inf 11172 03-21-01 15:07 1.04h/nvtunep.sys 2413 03-09-01 10:57 1.04h/nvtvsnd.inf 9812 03-05-01 16:57 1.04h/nvtvsnd.sys 2357 01-16-01 15:51 1.04h/nvxbar.INF 9378 02-06-01 11:40 1.04h/nvxbar.sys 450 07-27-98 18:41 1.04h/os.dat 77878 01-02-01 13:30 1.04h/Setup.bmp 71680 10-02-98 19:04 1.04h/Setup.exe 99 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/SETUP.INI 61340 03-29-01 10:07 1.04h/setup.ins 379 01-02-01 13:30 1.04h/setup.iss 49 03-29-01 09:15 1.04h/setup.lid 297989 10-02-98 19:15 1.04h/_INST32I.EX_ 0 03-29-01 18:39 1.04h/ -------- ------- 1174449 32 files

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