12 Mar 2025


Real 3D Starfighter PCI version Video Driver

Company: Real 3D
Model: Starfighter PCI version
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sfpci_win9x_0288.exe


Real 3D Starfighter PCI version Driver. This is (I believe) the MOST STABLE of the Starfighter PCI drivers. Has good OpenGL support. Should be used with the 147 BIOS if possible, and DirectX 5 or 7 both work. (DirectX 6 seems to be trouble). I recommend upgrading to the 323 drivers and then DOWNGRADING to these drivers for stability.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 42548 08-03-98 16:03 starftr.hlp 24326 04-02-98 20:08 gamma.bmp 8365 08-25-98 23:36 gxi2cp.vxd 1248 08-25-98 23:35 gxnullp.drv 4912 08-25-98 23:34 gxvfw16p.dll 143872 08-25-98 23:36 gxvfw32p.dll 28703 08-25-98 23:36 gxvfwp.vxd 27648 08-25-98 23:13 Icdapip.dll 31196 08-25-98 23:34 R3D2P.vxd 5792 08-25-98 23:24 r3dd16p.dll 339456 08-25-98 23:33 r3dd32p.dll 340992 08-25-98 23:30 r3dd32pm.dll 1574912 08-25-98 23:23 r3dicdp.dll 105792 08-25-98 23:33 r3dminip.drv 31195 08-25-98 23:34 R3DP.vxd 44988 09-02-97 16:16 r3dspin.ani 80896 08-25-98 23:37 r3dtvop.dll 7935 08-26-98 23:06 r3dvidp.inf 6492 08-31-98 21:30 readme9x0288.txt 2808 08-28-98 21:21 readmeTVOut.txt 794624 08-25-98 23:50 starFtr.dll 511424 06-10-98 09:20 40comupd.exe 173720 06-30-98 16:36 Stftrpci.bmp -------- ------- 4333844 23 files

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