12 Mar 2025


Other Companies ThunderMedia MP020 / MP021 Video Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: ThunderMedia MP020 / MP021
Operating System: Windows 3.x (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mp020.zip


Other Companies ThunderMedia MP020 / MP021 Driver. Those drivers were on the install disk for MP020 / MP021 . I don't have any information about the manufacturer, except what is written on the box - ThunderMedia MPEG Decoder Card and fcc search gives Formoza Industrial Computing Inc.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9813 12-25-00 17:07 _MSSETUP.EXE 89504 12-25-00 17:07 _MSTEST.EXE 7680 12-25-00 17:07 DMADLL.DLL 81920 12-25-00 17:07 MCIMPEG.DRV 2646 12-25-00 17:07 MPEG.INF 9952 12-25-00 17:07 MPEG.MST 47616 12-25-00 17:07 MPEGDEC.DLL 116010 12-25-00 17:07 MPEGPLAY.HLP 174592 12-25-00 17:07 MPFUSCRN.EXE 74528 12-25-00 17:07 MSCOMSTF.DLL 27696 12-25-00 17:07 MSCUISTF.DLL 22097 12-25-00 17:07 MSDETECT.INC 24544 12-25-00 17:07 MSDETSTF.DLL 65440 12-25-00 17:07 MSINSSTF.DLL 14928 12-25-00 17:07 MSSHLSTF.DLL 6144 12-25-00 17:07 MSUILSTF.DLL 1726 12-25-00 17:07 OEMSETUP.INF 10768 12-25-00 17:07 README.TXT 24624 12-25-00 17:07 SETUP.EXE 675 12-25-00 17:07 SETUP.LST 55620 12-25-00 17:07 SETUPAPI.INC 11776 12-25-00 17:07 TIMER1.EXE 6656 12-25-00 17:07 TIMERDLL.DLL 9274 12-25-00 17:08 VFIC001D.386 -------- ------- 896229 24 files

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