6 Mar 2025


S3 Savage 2000 64MB 2/4x AGP Video Driver

Company: S3
Model: Savage 2000 64MB 2/4x AGP
Operating System: Windows 2000 Pro (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: viperii_win2k_92020.exe


S3 Savage 2000 64MB 2/4x AGP Driver. According to download.com's website, this driver is a beta driver. The card works perfectly in both 4x and 2x AGP modes. Just make damn sure you go to your device manager BEFORE installing the card, and uninstall your previous graphics adapter, and when it asks you to reboot, click no. go to start, and shutdown completely. Replace the card, and fire up the pc. when windows starts, it will discover new hardware. DO NOT INSTALL ANY DRIVERS FOR ANYTHING AT THIS POINT!!!

Once windows is loaded, run the 'viperii_win2k_92020.exe' and then reboot when it asks you to.

One final note.....

Invest in a small fan cause the heatsink on the chip gets hot enough to grill steaks.....mmmmmmmmmm t-bone LOL

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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