14 Mar 2025


Chips and Technologies 65555 Video Driver

Company: Chips and Technologies
Model: 65555
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: NT_65555.zip


Chips and Technologies 65555 Driver. C&T driver for a DUAL ERA1000 laptop (also known as 'Diablo' in Germany).

I found that setting the display to 1024x768 immediately after install resulted in a horizontally-compressed display, with mouse-clicks not being mapped properly.

HOWEVER (in desparation) I tried increasing the display to its maximum (1280x1024 - which I didn't expect to work, as 800x600 and 1024x768 didn't). This, to my wonder, not only worked correctly, but also allowed me to drop back down to 1024x768 (and also a newly available intermediate, 1024x600), with no problem. 800x600 still doesn't disply correctly.

Note that WVIDUTIL.EXE mis-identifies this chip as an 82C451, and that the DOS util says it is not C&T!!!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7459 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSJPN.HLP 43968 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPS.SYS 7240 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSDAN.HLP 7398 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSDEU.HLP 7661 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSDSP.HLP 7422 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSESP.HLP 7286 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSFIN.HLP 7376 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSFRA.HLP 7484 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSITA.HLP 134688 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPS.DLL 7333 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSNLD.HLP 7295 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSNON.HLP 7281 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CHIPSPTB.HLP 26084 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CNTNTDSP.DAT 42496 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/CNTNTDSP.DLL 19 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/DISK1 3104 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/INSTALL.TXT 2995 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/OEMSETUP.INF 6819 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/RELNOTE.TXT 3250 11-07-97 01:14 Era1000/VGA/65555/WINNT40/TXTSETUP.OEM -------- ------- 344658 20 files

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