12 Mar 2025


STB Systems 3dfx VoodooTV 200 PCI Retail VFW Video Capture Video Driver

Company: STB Systems
Model: 3dfx VoodooTV 200 PCI Retail VFW Video Capture
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: vtv-w9x-vfw-1.01.01.exe


STB Systems 3dfx VoodooTV 200 PCI Retail VFW Video Capture Driver. el software para ver tv y escuchar fm esta en esta direccion


the software controllers look in this link www.voodoofiles.com/getit.asp?id=3507&g=1&d=30&s=996266132

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2194 11-13-00 11:15 readme.txt 12425 11-10-00 14:51 BT848VBI.386 85744 11-10-00 14:51 BTCC.DLL 45568 11-10-00 14:51 btddi.dll 101460 11-10-00 14:51 BTPCIVID.VXD 17230 11-10-00 14:51 BTUTIL16.DLL 36864 11-10-00 14:51 btutil32.dll 4288 11-10-00 14:51 BTVCAP16.DLL 76800 11-10-00 14:51 BTVID.DRV 12288 11-10-00 14:51 BTVID_16.DLL 52736 11-10-00 14:51 btvid_32.dll 55296 11-10-00 14:51 BTVIDDLG.DLL 62976 11-10-00 14:51 BTVVC32.DRV 2385 11-10-00 14:51 BtVVC32.inf 96256 11-10-00 14:51 grappler.dll 36352 11-10-00 14:51 stbaud32.dll 54784 11-10-00 14:51 stbmiwav.exe 8685 11-10-00 14:51 VTV.inf 40960 11-10-00 14:51 vcapdev.dll 560 11-10-00 14:55 manifest.txt -------- ------- 805851 20 files

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