12 Mar 2025


Rendition V2000 Video Driver

Company: Rendition
Model: V2000
Operating System: All Windows Versions (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update



Rendition V2000 Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 02-24-00 21:07 V2200/ 0 02-24-00 21:07 V2200/NT40/ 50688 10-09-98 13:38 V2200/NT40/v2000.dll 34978 10-09-98 13:41 V2200/NT40/v20002d.uc 14336 10-09-98 13:39 V2200/NT40/v2000dd.dll 71296 10-09-98 13:46 V2200/NT40/v2000gl.uc 3346 12-18-98 10:26 V2200/NT40/v2000nt.inf 14149 05-03-98 03:00 V2200/NT40/v2000nt5.inf 287456 10-09-98 13:37 V2200/NT40/verited.dll 11520 10-09-98 13:38 V2200/NT40/veritem.sys 8928 10-09-98 13:39 V2200/NT40/vrtevxd.sys 0 02-24-00 21:07 V2200/WIN9X/ 9600 02-09-99 23:45 V2200/WIN9X/CSTHUNK.DLL 48128 02-05-99 23:18 V2200/WIN9X/CSVERITE.DLL 1537 09-17-98 17:08 V2200/WIN9X/install.txt 4015 09-17-98 17:06 V2200/WIN9X/LICENSE.TXT 9864 07-17-98 18:15 V2200/WIN9X/r0ser.vxd 55296 07-17-98 18:26 V2200/WIN9X/redline.dll 22208 07-17-98 18:18 V2200/WIN9X/v2000.dll 76704 02-09-99 23:46 V2200/WIN9X/V2000.DRV 3831 07-17-98 18:15 V2200/WIN9X/v2000.inf 12873 07-17-98 18:18 V2200/WIN9X/v2000.vxd 35007 02-05-99 23:29 V2200/WIN9X/v20002d.uc 235520 02-05-99 23:24 V2200/WIN9X/v200032.dll 67776 07-17-98 18:25 V2200/WIN9X/v20003d.uc 66100 02-05-99 23:32 V2200/WIN9X/v20003df.uc 3563 02-05-99 23:10 V2200/WIN9X/V2000AGP.INF 66560 03-05-98 12:24 V2200/WIN9X/v2000gl.uc 17169 02-05-99 23:28 V2200/WIN9X/V2000VDD.VXD 7488 02-11-99 19:30 V2200/WIN9X/v2200agp.cat 5271 02-05-99 23:16 V2200/WIN9X/VCENTRAL.VXD 44544 07-17-98 18:26 V2200/WIN9X/verite.dll 87344 07-17-98 18:18 V2200/WIN9X/verite.drv 164352 03-05-98 12:20 V2200/WIN9X/veritegl.dll 81920 07-17-98 18:18 V2200/WIN9X/veritex.dll 769 07-17-98 18:15 V2200/WIN9X/veritex.reg -------- ------- 1624136 36 files

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