4 Mar 2025


Dell Computer NVIDIA GeForce2 Go (Dell Mobile) Video Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: NVIDIA GeForce2 Go (Dell Mobile)
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: XP1720.EXE


Dell Computer NVIDIA GeForce2 Go (Dell Mobile) Driver. GeForce2 GO for Latitude C810
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1191833 01-13-02 15:58 data1.cab 26019 01-13-02 15:58 data1.hdr 512 01-13-02 15:58 data2.cab 339565 01-13-02 15:58 ikernel.ex_ 473 01-13-02 15:58 layout.bin 2194089 01-13-02 15:58 nv4_disp.dll 915993 01-13-02 15:58 NV4_mini.sys 45428 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPDE.HLP 43534 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPES.HLP 42641 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPFR.HLP 42956 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPJA.HLP 69169 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPKO.HLP 1454080 01-13-02 15:58 NvCpl.dll 40143 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPL.HLP 42899 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPPTB.HLP 58368 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPTH.HLP 39718 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPZHC.HLP 39901 01-13-02 15:58 NVCPZHT.HLP 102400 01-13-02 15:58 NVDesk32.dll 19838 01-17-02 12:09 nvdm.cat 36437 01-13-02 13:58 NVDM.INF 73728 01-13-02 15:58 NVDMCPL.dll 12288 01-13-02 15:58 NVGFX.dll 86016 01-13-02 15:58 NvInstNT.dll 2498560 01-13-02 15:58 nvoglnt.dll 114688 01-13-02 15:58 NvQTwk.dll 118784 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSDE.dll 122880 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSES.dll 122880 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSFR.dll 90112 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSJA.dll 86016 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSKO.dll 118784 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSPTB.dll 65536 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSZHC.dll 77824 01-13-02 15:58 NVRSZHT.dll 57344 01-13-02 15:58 nvsvc32.exe 6226 01-13-02 15:58 NvWsApps.cfg 77878 01-13-02 15:58 setup.bmp 165888 01-13-02 15:58 Setup.exe 326 01-13-02 15:58 Setup.ini 158107 01-13-02 15:58 setup.inx 435 01-13-02 15:58 setup.iss 38518 01-13-02 15:58 Setup16.bmp 360 01-22-02 10:23 version.txt -------- ------- 10839174 43 files

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