12 Mar 2025


STB Systems STB TV PCI FM/No FM TV 130 Video Driver

Company: STB Systems
Model: STB TV PCI FM/No FM TV 130
Operating System: Windows 2000 Pro (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: STB.exe


STB Systems STB TV PCI FM/No FM TV 130 Driver. This WORKS!If you are looking to make your STB TV Tuner work on 2000 or XP this is your download!I searched FOREVER and this is the ONLY one that I have found that works with my Card.

I run a STB PCI TV\Capture Card Model# TV 130.Email the site about your experience.All you do is double click on it and it will delete any old drivers for your card that you have installed and then it will load the new ones and will install the software too. Go to the STBPRO directory that it made and open DSCALER.EXE and your set to go. Right click on that to make a desktop short cut so you don't have to always open the folder. Mike

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