23 Feb 2025


Microsoft ANY SVGA Card Video Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: ANY SVGA Card
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: svga.exe


Microsoft ANY SVGA Card Driver. Generic SVGA driver for Windows 3.1

Works with most cards

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1734 04-02-92 11:41 DISPLAY.TXT 10976 04-07-92 03:10 8514FIX.FON 12288 04-07-92 03:10 8514OEM.FON 9280 04-07-92 03:10 8514SYS.FON 6352 04-07-92 03:10 CGA40850.FON 6336 04-07-92 03:10 CGA40WOA.FON 4320 04-07-92 03:10 CGA80850.FON 4304 04-07-92 03:10 CGA80WOA.FON 23408 04-07-92 03:10 COURE.FON 31712 04-07-92 03:10 COURF.FON 5248 01-24-94 09:40 OEMSETUP.INF 8384 04-07-92 03:10 EGA40850.FON 8368 04-07-92 03:10 EGA40WOA.FON 5328 04-07-92 03:10 EGA80850.FON 5312 04-07-92 03:10 EGA80WOA.FON 8704 04-07-92 03:10 MODERN.FON 3807 10-19-92 17:27 LICENSE.TXT 2077 06-16-93 07:35 README.TXT 13312 04-07-92 03:10 ROMAN.FON 12288 04-07-92 03:10 SCRIPT.FON 57936 04-07-92 03:10 SERIFE.FON 81728 04-07-92 03:10 SERIFF.FON 26112 04-07-92 03:10 SMALLE.FON 21504 04-07-92 03:10 SMALLF.FON 64544 04-07-92 03:10 SSERIFE.FON 89680 04-07-92 03:10 SSERIFF.FON 13824 04-07-92 03:10 SVGA256.3GR 117312 02-23-93 13:02 SVGA256.DRV 56336 04-07-92 03:10 SYMBOLE.FON 80912 04-07-92 03:10 SYMBOLF.FON 46662 03-24-93 10:18 VDDSVGA.386 39996 04-07-92 03:10 VDDTLI4.386 18758 08-01-91 10:35 VDDTVGA.386 4484 04-07-92 03:10 VGACOLOR.2GR 15360 03-10-92 02:10 VGADIB.3GR 5360 04-07-92 03:10 VGAFIX.FON 1280 04-07-92 03:10 VGALOGO.LGO 26778 04-07-92 03:10 VGALOGO.RLE 5168 04-07-92 03:10 VGAOEM.FON 7280 04-07-92 03:10 VGASYS.FON 16112 04-07-92 03:10 WIN.CNF 16384 03-10-92 01:10 VGA.3GR 73200 03-10-92 01:10 VGA.DRV -------- ------- 1070248 43 files

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