5 Feb 2025


Matrox Graphics Millennium G200 Video Driver

Company: Matrox Graphics
Model: Millennium G200
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: w9x_552.exe


Matrox Graphics Millennium G200 Driver. Run the self extracting zip.

Run "Setup.exe".

It only installs if it recognizes your card, and selects the driver.

Also installs Matrox PowerDesk.

BEFORE installing, remove all previous Matrox drivers and files as per Matrox home page.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 30546 02-21-00 16:35 Install.inf 173108 02-21-00 12:10 G200.vx_ 7845 02-21-00 12:07 G200DD.vx_ 194133 02-21-00 12:05 G200DD32.DL_ 854737 02-15-00 12:54 G200icd.dl_ 101953 02-21-00 12:17 G400.dr_ 191094 02-21-00 12:19 G400.vx_ 10266 02-21-00 12:16 G400DD.vx_ 360859 02-21-00 12:14 G400DD32.dl_ 898520 02-15-00 13:04 G400icd.dl_ 100332 02-21-00 12:08 G200.dr_ 107466 02-21-00 12:00 Mgau.dr_ 188808 02-21-00 12:02 Mgau.vx_ 8634 02-21-00 12:00 Mgaudd.vx_ 166233 02-21-00 11:58 Mgaudd32.dl_ 27220 11-15-99 12:45 PDBkgnd.bm_ 140685 02-21-00 11:28 PDesk.ex_ 30515 02-21-00 11:36 PDeskcmd.ex_ 1587 12-01-99 12:16 PDeskEng.cn_ 61255 02-21-00 11:38 PDeskEng.hl_ 1749 12-08-99 16:35 PDeskFre.cn_ 67427 02-21-00 11:38 PDeskFre.hl_ 1644 12-08-99 16:35 PDeskGer.cn_ 69880 02-21-00 11:38 PDeskGer.hl_ 1716 12-08-99 16:36 PDeskIta.cn_ 68273 02-21-00 11:39 PDeskIta.hl_ 1690 12-08-99 16:37 PDeskSpa.cn_ 66515 02-21-00 11:40 PDeskSpa.hl_ 34788 02-21-00 11:29 PDKernel.dl_ 64125 11-15-99 12:45 PDMonLst.mp_ 151713 02-21-00 11:31 PDPages.dl_ 49548 02-21-00 11:33 PDResEng.dl_ 52402 02-21-00 11:34 PDResFre.dl_ 52576 02-21-00 11:34 PDResGer.dl_ 52678 02-21-00 11:34 PDResIta.dl_ 51938 02-21-00 11:35 PDResSpa.dl_ 77829 02-21-00 11:32 PDTools.dl_ 5001 02-21-00 11:48 ReadEng.txt 5878 02-21-00 11:48 ReadFre.txt 5809 02-21-00 11:48 ReadGer.txt 5965 02-21-00 11:49 ReadIta.txt 5001 02-21-00 11:48 Readme.txt 5818 02-21-00 11:50 ReadSpa.txt 221184 02-21-00 11:26 setup.exe 9952 02-21-00 11:24 setup16.dll 24576 02-21-00 11:24 setup32.dll 196608 02-21-00 11:26 setupres.dll 2898 11-15-99 12:44 SuppEng.rt_ 3462 11-15-99 12:44 SuppFre.rt_ 3855 11-15-99 12:44 SuppGer.rt_ 3633 11-15-99 12:44 SuppIta.rt_ 3251 11-15-99 12:44 SuppSpa.rt_ 10880 11-15-99 18:39 vgartd.vx_ -------- ------- 5036058 53 files

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