12 Mar 2025


Fast Multimedia AG AV Master (XP mini-driver) Video Driver

Company: Fast Multimedia AG
Model: AV Master (XP mini-driver)
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: FAST_AV_Master_codec_for_Windows_XP.zip


Fast Multimedia AG AV Master (XP mini-driver) Driver. This is a "mini-driver". It solely installs the AV Master codec in Windows XP so you can watch, play, edit, and encode AVI files captured with the supreme FAST AVMaster card while not having the card itself installed on the machine.

This driver is for people that have captures from the past or have the card installed in another system but would like use their AV Master videos in a WindowsXP system where the card is not present.

*DO NOT* install this driver if you DO have the card in the system. In such case, use the full WindowsNT driver.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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