23 Feb 2025


Cirrus Logic 5446 Video Driver

Company: Cirrus Logic
Model: 5446
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: cirruslog.ZIP


Cirrus Logic 5446 Driver. 1. unzip the files

2. put them in a new folder

3. display properties,chage screen

type,choose "from disk" and then

go to the folder you just opened.

4. windows knows what dll to go to.

5. just click ok and again ok.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 46544 05-21-96 14:10 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/5446VPM.DLL 19075 11-06-96 17:03 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CIR.VXD 109968 11-06-96 17:02 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CIRMM.DRV 5457 11-26-96 10:52 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CIRRUS.INF 14236 03-15-96 14:55 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CLBIOS16.DLL 15872 08-25-95 12:32 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CLBIOS32.DLL 51712 11-06-96 17:03 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CLMMDD32.DLL 217088 11-08-96 15:22 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CL_REF.DLL 79379 10-23-96 10:52 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/CL_REF.HLP 7008 05-16-96 14:58 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/VPM16T.DLL 17920 05-15-96 21:51 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/VPM32AP.EXE 22016 05-15-96 20:11 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/VPM32T.DLL 13995 05-17-96 16:07 CIRRUS/5446/WIN95/VVPMD.VXD -------- ------- 620270 13 files

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