30 Mar 2025


Intel Intel740 AGP Video Driver

Company: Intel
Model: Intel740 AGP
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: i740wn9x.EXE


Intel Intel740 AGP Driver. This is a self-extracting zip file with the Intel i740 drivers for Win9x. They came from the CD for the Daytona Roadster AGP card. They also seem to work with an OnSpeed AGP card. I hope this helps someone.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 33280 10-28-98 15:47 ENUCONFG.LRC 64117 10-28-98 15:53 GFX.VXD 302080 10-28-98 15:48 GFXCFG.DLL 14673 10-28-98 15:48 GFXCONFG.HLP 4640 10-28-98 15:46 GFXDD16.DLL 331776 10-28-98 15:52 GFXDD32.DLL 103408 10-28-98 15:52 GFXDRV.DRV 126464 10-28-98 15:57 GFXGLDEV.DLL 1144832 10-28-98 16:01 GFXGLICD.DLL 20992 10-28-98 16:01 GFXHELP.EXE 9477 10-28-98 15:53 GFXI2C.VXD 30720 10-28-98 15:53 GFXMULTI.DLL 87040 10-28-98 15:47 GFXTVOUT.DLL 4765 12-23-98 01:35 GFXW.INF 766 09-18-95 21:14 I740.ICO 26112 10-28-98 15:47 TVWATCH.EXE 8 12-23-98 01:33 version.txt 25106 10-28-98 15:08 VGARTD.VXD -------- ------- 2330256 18 files

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