12 Mar 2025


WinBond MP-2000 Video Driver

Company: WinBond
Model: MP-2000
Operating System: Windows 95a (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mp2000_21.zip


WinBond MP-2000 Driver. MicroVideo MPEG MP-2000 Release Notes

Version 2.1

-1- Supplied Software

- Video CD Player

- Hardware Setting Program

- BMP to MPG Converter

-2- Required Configuration

-Hardware MPC Level 2

- CPU 486 DX 33 MHz minimum

- Memory 4 MB or more

- ISA slot 16 bits, One free IRQ (5,7,10 or 11)


- CD ROM Drive Double speed CD Drive (300KBytes/s)

- Software

- DOS Version 5.0 or higher

- Windows Version 3.1 / 3.11

- MSCDEX Driver Version 2.2x

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 72192 01-08-96 17:28 CONVERT.EXE 16200 02-25-94 00:00 DRAM.DAT 31440 04-28-93 00:00 GAUGE.VBX 10576 01-13-97 10:25 HWSET.EXE 43008 08-11-95 13:33 MCIUI.DLL 5440 06-16-95 17:46 MESSAGE.DLL 79872 08-11-95 13:48 MPEGCD.DRV 75264 08-14-95 17:10 MPEGFILE.DRV 62483 03-15-96 14:45 MPEGSYS.DLL 64000 06-16-95 18:20 PICTRAN.DLL 2739 12-30-96 14:58 README.TXT 64752 01-13-97 10:25 SETUP.EXE 322 09-19-96 17:45 SETUP.LST 27506 01-25-80 08:38 T.MPG 64544 12-29-93 09:47 THREED.VBX 9280 10-01-96 11:42 UNINST.EXE 398416 05-12-93 00:00 VBRUN300.DLL 6144 08-04-95 11:21 VPPROC.DLL 4692 03-18-96 15:46 W9910.DLL 13487 04-10-96 18:07 W9920.DLL 164233 12-31-96 10:38 WINDEMO.EXE 9283 07-28-95 17:02 WINVDMAD.386 20608 08-22-95 16:39 CDDRIVE.DLL 36352 08-23-95 16:43 CDROM.DLL -------- ------- 1282833 24 files

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