12 Mar 2025


Gainward Dragon 4000 (PCI-AGP) Video Driver

Company: Gainward
Model: Dragon 4000 (PCI-AGP)
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: gw4000.zip


Gainward Dragon 4000 (PCI-AGP) Driver. Under Win98SE it works properly
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 278064 10-20-98 20:33 WIN98/3DFX16VB.DRV 277164 11-16-98 11:55 WIN98/3DFX16VB.PCI 199680 10-20-98 20:33 WIN98/3DFX32VB.DLL 190464 11-16-98 11:54 WIN98/3DFX32VB.PCI 2863104 10-10-98 04:25 WIN98/3DFXSPL3.DLL 122635 11-16-98 11:53 WIN98/3DFXVB.PCI 135947 10-20-98 20:32 WIN98/3DFXVB.VXD 651264 10-12-98 17:35 WIN98/3DFXVBPS.DLL 9108 10-10-98 03:56 WIN98/3DFXVBPS.HLP 8859 11-14-98 04:44 WIN98/3DFXVBPS.PCH 652800 11-14-98 20:37 WIN98/3DFXVBPS.PCI 6765 01-07-99 17:25 WIN98/BANSHEE.INF 305664 10-10-98 04:02 WIN98/GLIDE2X.DLL 315187 10-10-98 04:06 WIN98/GLIDE2X.OVL 327680 10-10-98 04:11 WIN98/GLIDE3X.DLL 5825 10-10-98 03:15 WIN98/LICENSE.TXT 280576 11-03-97 18:00 WIN98/MSVCRT.DLL 5223 10-26-98 18:07 WIN98/README.TXT 25106 10-10-98 03:15 WIN98/VGARTD.VXD 215040 01-08-99 11:34 OPENGL/miniinst.exe 33280 07-14-97 18:00 PANEL32/DXTOOL.EXE 31232 07-14-98 12:22 PANEL32/SETUP32.EXE 6853 01-08-99 11:13 PANEL32/SETUPX.ENU 1958 12-24-98 12:22 PANEL32/TB9X.INF 1944 11-23-98 15:50 PANEL32/TBCONFIG.DLL 6192 07-08-98 12:18 PANEL32/TBCTL.EXE 5120 10-30-98 18:55 PANEL32/TBMANAGE.DLL 1806 12-24-98 12:25 PANEL32/TBNT4.INF 685056 01-08-99 14:31 PANEL32/TBPANEL.EXE 6464 04-14-98 16:16 PANEL32/TBPANEL.SYS 7915 08-03-98 14:26 PANEL32/TBPANEL.VXD 26624 11-17-98 15:27 PANEL32/TBZOOM.EXE 13427 04-24-98 14:37 GART/AGARTD.VXD 14666 02-27-98 00:05 GART/SISGART.VXD 21504 06-16-98 15:42 GART/VGART.EXE 25106 02-25-98 11:53 GART/VGARTD.VXD 10753 06-01-98 18:33 GART/VIAGART.VXD 178688 01-08-99 10:51 CDSETUP.EXE 17408 05-11-98 11:53 W32CTL.EXE 6853 01-08-99 11:13 SETUPX.ENU 2148 01-08-99 15:33 README.TXT 642 01-07-99 17:44 SETUPX.DLL 49 05-31-96 10:47 AUTORUN.INF -------- ---- 7981843 43 files

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